I'm finding this situation (i.e. the not-knowing of what this winter will bring) to be very interesting indeed, for it might at last settle 'the battle' between two very different weather-forecasting methodologies.
The Met Office, along with many other forecasting institutions, waits until weather begins to manifest itself, and then collates vast amounts of data from the earth's surface before running this data through computers containing weather-modelling software.
They are saying (well, sort-of) that this winter will be mild:
Met Office predictions suggest this winter is likely to be relatively mild as well.
For both December and December-January-February as a whole above-average UK-mean temperatures are more likely than below-average.
Overall, the probability that the UK-mean temperature for December-January-February will fall into the warmest of our five categories is around 25% and the probability of falling into the coldest of our five categories is near to 10% (the 1981-2010 probability for each of these categories is 20%).
At this point I'd make the comment that this 'probability' stuff is just so much rubbish - it might make a lot of mathematical sense for those playing with figures inside an office, but out here in the real world - to be told (for example) that there is an 80% probability of rain means absolutely zilch. It either rains or it doesn't. If it *does* rain, then you're within the 80% band, and if it *doesn't*, then - geewhiz - you fall within the 20% band. Either way the weather forecaster has 'correctly' forecasted the weather. Huh.
Ok - on to the competition - this being Piers Corbyn's 'Weather Action' operation, which forecasts long-term trends by monitoring the sun's surface activity, and thus predicting the effects this will have upon our weather, long before it manifests itself upon the earth's surface.
Piers says (of the Met Office forecast):
"For this particular winter the "milder (at least till New Year)-wetter and windier than normal" prognosis we would estimate has only a 5% chance of being confirmed."
The Express (and I'm not going to mock anybody) comments:
"Piers Corbyn and his team at WeatherAction say extreme solar and lunar activity is causing huge rifts in the flow of the jet stream with record low December temperatures possible.
He said the same weather pattern which triggered the killer United States freeze is about to open the flood gates to a blast of Arctic and Siberian air.
He said: “The beginning of December could bring close to record low temperatures with the first half of the month signalling the dramatic change in weather. The jet stream is fluctuating north-south instead of east-west and this is what will cause the extreme changes in the weather.
It is leading to a warming of the stratosphere which though [it] sounds contradictory, will trigger the very severe start to winter that we expect.
It is this which caused the extreme snow in America, and though we will not get the exact same snowflakes, there is a link to what we are expecting in the UK. This is a very serious warning as the Met Office outlook is very different, we think they are wrong.”
So - it will be interesting to see which of these methods of forecasting comes out of this smelling of roses, and which of cow-dung ...