Info on uniting hives please

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On a similar vein I use a can of febreze air freshener, horrible over-scented stuff, to spray around when I have collected a swarm. Once the bees are in the skep/box I spray the site where the cluster was with it and it confuses the hell out of the stragglers and stops them returning to that site.

My only advice would be don't leave it in the car, my then 7 year old emptied about half of it to "make the car smell nice".

febreze is indeed orrible stuff, my middle boy is alergic to even a whiff of it and comes up in a rash
We have used this method since ITLD said about its efficacy.

We gave a one second puff on top of bottom box and one second puff under top box going - on top.

They were fine - worthy of note - there were no dead bees as has been the case with paper unites.

Yesterday, united two nucs - stayed for an hour to watch and appeared 'business as usual'. Will re-check tomorrow but we're happy it will be fine.

Importantly, we think it is just a puff - NOT a blast under top box and over bottom box. Sensible usage must be the way forward, not the 'more must be better' approach.

Bin the Febreze!

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