Incoming swarm ... save my marriage

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Field Bee
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
Fife & Ardnamurchan
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Quietly reading through a pile of work reports in my garden when the sky darkened and a very large swarm descended on my pile of empty brood boxes and supers. An hour later and they are all in - miraculously choosing the single brood box with an intact floor and roof. Couldn't get easier than that. Furthermore, it's now raining, encouraging the stragglers to get under cover.

Only slight issue is it's next to the back door and this WILL cause domestic issues. So I'll be moving them to the out apiary tonight.

The question is, do I supplement the frame or two that are likely in the box before moving them - to make a full box - or do I move them and then add frames? The journey is less than a mile. I'm presuming they'll be clustered around the frame or two there and I might be able to squeeze half a dozen more in, together with a dummy board.

Now off to buy a lottery ticket.

Mr Lucky :)

As they are all in the box, i would seal and move now - open & fiddle at the destination (not tonight) If you take the lid off tonight, they might mass evacuate at home?
Make sure that you orientate the hive with frames running in line with car and not across. This will limit the few frames slapping about and squishing?

Did you not get it on film?


Move them first and then add the frames, no different to moving them in a ruskie then hiving them.

Job done ... marriage intact

Rehomed between showers. Calm and quiet and covering about six or seven full frames once I'd gently added them to them box.

fredbloggs ... here they come ... 14Mb movie ... and



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