Would it not be conducive to the general ambience of this forum if the commercial beeks that are primarily driven by honey yields could identify that fact in their signature, as many beeks don't care a less about honey yield?
Just to clarify we haven't been doing this long, we sell a bit of honey, a few nucs now and again and hopefully next year a few queens but far from commercial, if we were we would be bust.
I have found beekeeping a strange hobby / activity and a few "strange" beekeepers, from our perspective. When people ask advice they are given it from the persons perspective and their priorities, invariably there is usually more than one alternative. It doesn't take many posts to figure out which perspective people are coming from. It really depends on your priorities.
People can't and won't look after their veg plot like a farmer would tend his fields or livestock. Why would you expect commercial beeks to be different. It doesn't diminish the advice given.
There are obvious differences in management because the priorities are so different. I would hazard a guess commercial stocks are better looked after, healthier and winter better than a lot of "hobbyist" hives simply because of necessity if nothing else, it wouldn't make commercial sense otherwise.
There seems to be a perception that 2 different fractions exist the Commercial, honey obsessed couldn't care less brigade and the hug a tree wrap in cotton wool hobbyist lobby. This is simply not true.
Beekeeping for my part is wonderful, never thought it could be so fascinating, give so much pleasure, so infuriating / annoying / disappointing at times.
Maybe you should take the advice my late father gave me, bless his cotton socks. If you don't like the answer, you shouldn't of asked the question.