I got stung!!

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Queen Bee
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Longsight, Manchester, UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
None, although I have my eye on one ( Just don't tell Dusty ;) )
Well, it finally happened. She got me through my glove in the underside joint of my finger. I'm quite disappointed actually. It just burned a little bit, I got it out straight away. I'd taken a anti histamine at home before I went as we had the guy who can be a bit clumsy with us so that's probably helped. No swelling, just a raised little vein on the site.

Bit of an anticlimax really lol, so, it's out of the way :smilielol5:
haha i felt the same with my 1 n only sting a couple of month ago disappointed and glad that it dint hurt at the same time lol
haha i felt the same with my 1 n only sting a couple of month ago disappointed and glad that it dint hurt at the same time lol

Exactly how I feel, although the boys could have made more of a fuss of me when I told them! they asked me to show them, grunted, then ignored me! Lol. it didn't hurt as much as I thought after all. You were all right ;)
lol i thought it would hurt more, i got stung on the ankle when a bee fell into my trainer i looked like a reyt tool i shook mi leg n mi trainer flew into the hedges lol
Haha, if we had video cameras trained on us, we'd all make a fortune from you've been framed.....beekeepers edition :p

It happened at the start of inspecting, and the smoker went out so I had bees bothering my hand all the way through. I was doing a lot of wafting them off lol.
haha i do the same you just can't fight the urge to waft em away, maybe cos i'm still a newbie, i would have made a fortune on you've been framed lol
mine never have much of a reaction on the day, its usually over the next couple of days. . . so watch out!! Hope it doesnt swell too bad for you.
Well done Kaz you've joined the club at last! Glad you were able to agree with us all about how it feels and weren't bowled over by it, you've earned your spurs now! :cheers2:
You should be more worried about the second sting.
That's the one that might kill you!
You should be more worried about the second sting.
That's the one that might kill you!

Oh thanks for that haha, and here's me being dead brave :ack2:

I am a true beekeeper now lol :cheers2:

Apparently true though. I think I read it in Ted Hooper
I am a true beekeeper now

not worthy

Not sure if you have yet, but wait until you have to kill a queen.
I'm a big softy at heart more so if she has been an excellent queen for me.
not worthy

Not sure if you have yet, but wait until you have to kill a queen.
I'm a big softy at heart more so if she has been an excellent queen for me.
It's the only bee in the hive that you personally recognise :)
It never gets any easier dispatching her !

Noo-ooh, Kaz, don't listen to them. If I've taken the Piriton FIRST before the inspection I have no further reaction, no itching, no nothing, even hard to find a pink spot where it (probably) was. That includes fingers and things that others complain often swell.
No Piriton=pink and itching for a couple of days.
Keep taking the pills!
Noo-ooh, Kaz, don't listen to them. If I've taken the Piriton FIRST before the inspection I have no further reaction, no itching, no nothing, even hard to find a pink spot where it (probably) was. That includes fingers and things that others complain often swell.
No Piriton=pink and itching for a couple of days.
Keep taking the pills!

Peoples reactions to stings vary widely irrespective of medication !
You view is over simplistic my well intentioned friend :)

I've been taking citerizine all summer for hay fever. Don't know if that helps with the stings though. Mind you I've not been stung for a while.....

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