I could change my mind about (European) Hornets, you know...

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Sep 4, 2011
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Apparently someone from Plymouth BKA has posted a couple of videos of a European hornet hunting bees in front of his hives and having caught one, dismembering it on a nearby shrub.

Taking the occasional free-flying honey bee is something I can live with, but patrolling up and down in front of the hives, potentially recruiting others to do the same, is an entirely different hovercraft of eels.

It is normal behavior of European hornets, at least at my place also.. My respond is trap and practicing tennis.. This year there are a lot more hornets and wasps, seems this catastrophic drought was good for their breeding.. Some people while they pick fruits got stung.. Some even when eating fruits accidentally in a tongue ( wasps)..
posted a couple of videos
Usual unnecessary panic and alarm when nature is seen at work.

European hornets have been around hives while I've been in them recently. Harmless, and a joy to see, and I've not noticed recruitment attack that wasps employ.
Wasps generally in the garden are ramping up. Thought it was going to be a quiet year but must be the right time for them to looking for a sweet treat!! Not my favourite, got stung while I was gardening about 10 years ago. Got me at the base of my nail on my little finger, wow did it hurt, it was like a red hot needle going in, something I've never forgotten
I pôsted recently that I saw one hawking in front of my hives and disappearing into the long grass with its prey. On examination of the feast it was apparent the pray was a wasp.
See my post here
Unfortunately, I still have sparrows hawking here, and they have much larger appetites than hornets.
One lunchtime, whilst enjoying my sandwich near the hives in school, I watched a mouse under the hive, it was picking off any bees that misjudged the entrance and fell to the grass. :)
what is it about hobby beekeepers? they will actively propagate alien species plants like (HB) and sit back watching an environmental disaster happen - then anything they see as even a minor 'threat' to their bees (ants European hornets, woodlice, earwigs) must be wiped off the face of the earth. :banghead:
So European hornets take out the odd bee?
So what?
I can sense there being a pogrom against crabro in Pompey shortly.
Oh dear
It's been particularly nice this year to see hornets in the garden, I watched one patrolling the rambling rose before pouncing. See them often at the farm, where they are far more of a threat to the wasps.
The daily life of a foraging bee is fraught with so many dangers, that's life.
Wasps generally in the garden are ramping up. Thought it was going to be a quiet year but must be the right time for them to looking for a sweet treat!! Not my favourite, got stung while I was gardening about 10 years ago. Got me at the base of my nail on my little finger, wow did it hurt, it was like a red hot needle going in, something I've never forgotten
The wasps at my apiary are still hunting down the bees - completely ignoring the lovely jam and beer traps I have out for them!
It's been particularly nice this year to see hornets in the garden, I watched one patrolling the rambling rose before pouncing. See them often at the farm, where they are far more of a threat to the wasps.
The daily life of a foraging bee is fraught with so many dangers, that's life.
I’ve not seen a single hornet this year - unfortunately. I’ve seen too many wasps though.
I’ve not seen a single hornet this year - unfortunately. I’ve seen too many wasps though.
I've seen just one hornet (in our porch) this year. The ivy covering next doors shed is normally an attraction for them but it's a long way to go before it flowers. Currently the evodia trees and the coralberry are providing good forage for my honeybees and a lot of local bumblebees.
I've seen more hornets than ever before this year - always a few buzzing around in the garden or around the wet super stores. Actually put my hand on a few of them'resting' on a stack of wet su[ers when I was fumbling around for a scraper in the evening twilight - none of them stung me.
Lots of hornets here. They are around waiting to pick off not just honeybees but wasps as well. Sadly not just the wasps!
Lots of hornets here. They are around waiting to pick off not just honeybees but wasps as well. Sadly not just the wasps!

That's fascinating. The other day I was watching a hornet perched on one of our apple trees dismembering a fly, but I had no idea they'd take wasps as well.

That's fascinating. The other day I was watching a hornet perched on one of our apple trees dismembering a fly, but I had no idea they'd take wasps as well.

I was vaping today with hornets hawking around my hives. I didn't see a single forager succumb to the hornets but they took 2 wasps and a couple of evicted drones while I watched.

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