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Again ... homeopathy is something that I've witnessed working - one of our previous dogs had a skin complaint that all conventional treatments would not resolve - a course of homeopathic treatments fixed the problem - and as soon as we stopped the skin condition returned .. back on the homeopathic tabs and away the skin problem went. I've had the same experience with acupunture on a previous dog ...
So you're saying acupuncture worked but you can't quite pin down how?

Not trying to needle you about it, honest. ;)
@pargyle @JamezF

Whilst I'm not sold on energy lines etc (and the child in me wishes they were a thing), can we agree that a lot of people report bees seem to regularly cluster at certain locations and it is conceivable that the bees are picking up on some sort of cue/cues which we do not? It may well not be energy lines (or it may be something like it not yet quantified, or something else entirely) but it can still be wondrous, and still will be even after we eventually discover the 'how'.
If homeopathic remedies get "stronger" with dilution, and considering that water has been exposed to pretty much every substance on earth then well mixed over millennia, surely all water would be incredibly potent for all our ills!

Apparently if you hit the container of "water" (possibly with something made of leather; I can't recall) then it "forgets" whatever it was "remembering". Clearly it has to be with something specific such as leather, otherwise such remedies would be useless if the delivery truck hit a big pothole.

can we agree that a lot of people report bees seem to regularly cluster at certain locations and it is conceivable that the bees are picking up on some sort of cue/cues which we do not? It may well not be energy lines (or it may be something like it not yet quantified, or something else entirely) but it can still be wondrous, and still will be even after we eventually discover the 'how'.

I think I'd agree with that. It seems plausible to me that many swarms might be likely to have similar "desires" as regards the siting of a new home. If a swarm were to take up residence in a particular location, I'd not therefore be surprised to find that future swarms came to the same consensus. Or perhaps they don't all have the same desires and it's only the ones that do that might be likely to move in. We may never see the ones that have a thing for, say, sooty chimneys.

Notwithstanding Seeley's research, I'd struggle to know where to start as regards determining how the scouts do make the choice. There must be a huge number of potential variables. Perhaps they might even come to a "no" decision because of the conditions at the time they visit when at other times exactly the same site might meet with their approval.

I've never seen any scouts flying about with bits of bent rod (Argyle Enterprises or otherwise) trying to determine whether there are any "energy lines" nearby, mind :D

I've never seen any scouts flying about with bits of bent rod (Argyle Enterprises or otherwise) trying to determine whether there are any "energy lines" nearby, mind :D

Haven't you noticed their antennae swiveling together when they get to the spot?
I know water boards dowse

In the UK, as of 2022, only two water companies do so according to New Scientist. One of those was Thames Water. Perhaps instead they should try divining for a large pile of cash? :D

In 2017 Anglian Water claimed that it was a reliable tool for finding water pipes underground, though it seems they don't use it any more (or won't admit to it). The only other one according to NS is Severn Trent.

I found a water supply pipe in the LBKA apiary once with diviners.
In the UK, as of 2022, only two water companies do so according to New Scientist. One of those was Thames Water. Perhaps instead they should try divining for a large pile of cash? :D

In 2017 Anglian Water claimed that it was a reliable tool for finding water pipes underground, though it seems they don't use it any more (or won't admit to it). The only other one according to NS is Severn Trent.

I think the pile of cash is with their execs. Execs who deserve to have sewage diverted through their houses and gardens until they learn to clean up their act.
Yes ... there is a well documented on near Gilbert White's house in Selborne, Hampshire - first documented by Gilbert White in the 1700's and still there today. I've come across another one in the New Forest to the South West of Brockenhurst. It's quite spectacular when you find one ..the noise and activity is extraordinary. Again, there is no commonality to be able to predict where Drones congregate .. they are not defined by topography, climate or proximity to anything obvious - they are just there (unless you accept that bees can define something that we cannot ?)
It’s a good point as many DCAs are very old but how do the drones find them if all the previous years drones aren’t around to tell them? 🤔
I think the pile of cash is with their execs. Execs who deserve to have sewage diverted through their houses and gardens until they learn to clean up their act.
Not a water board but our local internal drainage board decided to merge with a few adjacent boards, allegedly to enjoy the benefits/economy of scale. Last year the new conglomerate moved from their long established office in Howden to a new build leased development in Newport (the East Yorkshire one). Marvellous building with reserved parking for executives although before the board managed with local farmers, a clerk and office staff.
My drainage rate demand just dropped through the letter box with a swingeing increase. Quelle surprise! 😡
This unhelpful, unfriendly, patronising, Moderator provided that link in Post #2 of this thread .... which was clearly ignored ...
Philip, why is it unhelpful?
It was certainly not meant to be unfriendly and certainly not patronising. I at my age don’t have an intimate knowledge of every posting here and can certainly not remember one over 130 posts previous.
So you're saying acupuncture worked but you can't quite pin down how?

Not trying to needle you about it, honest. ;)
Yes .. our first Labrador, when he got to about 7 years old, developed arthritis in his spine, a specialist vet (you may know hime - Mr Clayton Jones) operated and put a screw and washer in his spine to relieve the pressure on his spinal cord and that lasted about 2 years, when further arthritis developed but he deemed it too late to put him through further surgery ...

We took the dog to Chris Day (who sadly died last year) a well known homeopathic vet - I had to carry the dog in as he was really having trouble walking. Chris inserted some acupuncture needles and the dog went to sleep for about quarter of an hour - when he woke up he bounced around the surgery, went down the steps outside and was as right as rain, the difference was, to say the least, unbelievable - our local vet wanted to put him to sleep. The acuouncture lasted for about 6 weeks when the pain clearly returned and we used to take him back for re-treatment when we noticed any reticence in his mobility. It kept him going with a good quality of life for another 18 months, when he finally succumbed to a tumour on his liver, There was nobody more sceptical than me when Chris suggested acupuncture but seeing is believing ...

I've never seen any scouts flying about with bits of bent rod (Argyle Enterprises or otherwise) trying to determine whether there are any "energy lines" nearby, mind :D

But we do know that bees have the ability for magnetic sensing within their abdomen ... it's not such a leap of faith to suggest that they have developed the ability to sense energy lines in the earth's crust is it ?
Philip, why is it unhelpful?
It was certainly not meant to be unfriendly and certainly not patronising. I at my age don’t have an intimate knowledge of every posting here and can certainly not remember one over 130 posts previous.
It was what the OP considered my post and presumably others to be .... her words not mine. The perception was that we are an unfriendly bunch on here - parrticularly some of the Mods ...