How to deal with granulated combs?

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From Glossop, North Derbyshire, UK
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 11, 2021
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Glossop, North Derbyshire
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I have a couple of granulated supers. What is the best way to deal with these? I don't have the facility to warm them to melt the honey.
I'm thinking just scratch the cappings and nadir them?
a couple of granulated supers
Have about 20 from last year waiting to go back on for clearing, but I'm waiting for any sort of flow to end. If they go on too early then bees may do nothing with the combs, or even add nectar.

I use Ashforth poly feeders as crownboards so the supers go on top, with the little sliding hatch open slightly. If the granulation is severe I dunk them in water for a while.

Nadiring is an option but not while wasps are about, because undefended access below the nest is too easy.
Uncap a couple of frames at a time and submerge them to a bucket of warm tap water. Give the frames back to the bees to clean them up and if you like so, save the water syrup for feeding them too..

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