how do you raise £50K

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
as everyone knows i have just had 8 months of ub40 and before that i was self employed for the few months of the year i worked and even though it has nothing to do with me the house repossession from the landlord and mortgage company has also spread onto what was left of the world worst credit rating

so just to be a complete ***** i have found a really great "to be done up" house for fifty thousand pounds

so i have no bank records with lots of money in there, come to think of it i dont have any deposit or mortgage deposit money, so how do you raise £50k or enough of the £50k to get a mortgage on the rest.

is there some form of alternative finance ways i dont know of and look for the £50k, 36 canalside property at the cheap end of the houses
wow. what a spot. hope you manage to scrape it all together. could sell organs i supose..........

best of luck mate.
my sons kidneys are fed up of being on ebay,

what did you think i would use MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE DOWNSIDE is that it is on an island with no way of getting a car near it and you have to street park in an industrial eastate and walk 60 yards to it, thats why its £50 k
invent a load of kids, some sick and disabled family dependants, change name to Peteski, rent out bedrooms to ficticious unemployed cousins, claim carers and disability allowance for all of them, wangle a mobility car (use as taxi) and fill in as many forms as possible..............
Stand for election and use your MP's expenses........
Blackmail someone rich and shameless
split a swarm 8 ways and sell it as a nuc 8 times...... repeat all summer
take cash up front for nuc's you wont supply
Go on a TV talentless show and make a fool of your self

have I missed anyone that needs offending ?
All tongue in cheek of course

I understand your frustrations mate and sorry I cant offer constructive advice but I wish you every luck. I guess you would need to raise about 30-40 % of it so £15-20k may be a more realistic target, although you would still need cash for materials and to pay the mortgage.
I would be happy to donate you a swarm (currently housed in national) which you could sell on here (bees and frames only), buyer can collect from me and you can buy lotto tickets, back England to win the footie or bribe someone with the proceeds.
all the best

Pete D
Firstly if they want offers in the region of then go in at no more than 40 - how long has it been on the market??

Looks a lovely idea. Is there any point in you going to a bank and seeing if you could get a business loan - if you set it up as doing it up to sell on then they may be interested. seem to remember someone told me once that solicitors will do loans, dont know what the rates are but might be worth a thought.
When my daughter applied for her first morgage and they wanted more for the deposit than she had saved she did what a lot of people do and asked the immediate family for small, long term loans. It's what a lot of Asian families do too.
How many relatives can you conjure up? Tell them their savings aren't giving any return at all at present and you could put them to much better use!:drool5:
When my daughter applied for her first morgage and they wanted more for the deposit than she had saved she did what a lot of people do and asked the immediate family for small, long term loans. It's what a lot of Asian families do too.
How many relatives can you conjure up? Tell them their savings aren't giving any return at all at present and you could put them to much better use!:drool5:

id give money to a mate/family member if they tried this story on me. it makes more sense that letting the *ankers at it anyway
If i had the money i would love to help you but i can recomend something for u i have sent u a PM.
spoke to the estatet agent today, apaperntly theres lots of intrest so they are doing a block viewing day tommorow, going to watch what sort of people are walking around, i can see it going for nearer £65K+ rather than £40K, it does have no car parking etc etc so it will always be cheap unless some thing is sorted out for off street parking ect
If you go in builder's gear, Pete, you may intimidate the non-developers. After all, if they think they are bidding against a developer, they know their costs will be higher than 'yours'. And a developer won't really want somewhere they can't rent without access for a car, will they?
Is it on stilts with all this rain might be big flooding issues.
Thought about peer to peer lending?


No banks, just people like me lending small amounts to people so they can get on and get life going.

A canal side property for 50k? Bargain, absolute bloody bargain. Done up you'll double the money and I bet you wont take long doing it.

building supplies by barge furniture by barge canals never flood its only rivers that flood they have sluices and overflow Chanel's for excess flow Leicester canal was shut through lack of water

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