How do you handle a Q?

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House Bee
Mar 3, 2010
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How do you handle a Q? I've never done it as I've been paranoid I'd damage her, and when I found her on the QE last week I didn't know quite what to do (she's never been on there before). After a moment of indecision, I gently turned it back over and waited for her to move off, but I really had no clue what I'd do if she didn't.

This w/e i'm supposed to place her on the new comb in her new box (as I'm doing a bailey change). I was going to avoid this by putting whichever frame she was on into the new box, but the advice is to move just her on her own.
I've been told to practice with drones. Saying that, I haven't noticed any drones about yet - plenty of drone brood, but I've not spotted any on the frames so try using workers. Use a matchbox to pop her in, is something else I've been told. You could practice scooping up a worker or two until you're confident with your technique. I'm sure there will be some better advice, as I am still a beginner, I'm just going off the advice I've been given.
i was advised to get one of her wings. never lower body. then put a finger infront of her and she will cling on and then pinch her inbetween finger and and thumb gently.
havnt done it yet tho.
best of luck
Good question!! I need to clip ones wings asap, hopefully this weekend.
I had to do this yesterday, it all sounds simple in the books until you have a frame in one hand and one glove off!!
Yeah I had one glove off a few weeks back and hadnt smoked my hand before putting on gloves and think I upset one who decided they would like me to carry a wound on the back of my hand for a few weeks!

Now I smoke my hands before gloves on and the inside of my disposable gloves also.
Be careful- I had a queen between finger and thumb and another bee landed on her- and stung her...Dont know why - she wasnt distressed. I was very ......... off

...that really made me laugh; as soon as we're confident that we know what we're doing a random bee quickly shows we're missing something!

I've got sausage fingers and tried following the pics in Ted Hooper's "Guide to bees and honey" but never mastered the technique for handling Qs to clip them, mortally wounding several drones in the process.

I have a mini nuc box handy when manipulating the hive and put the frame I find her on in that while moving combs around.

Can we start with basics please, are you a leftie or a rightie?

OOps... handed I mean, HANDED.

That's put me right off handling her then after hearing that one Heather! Maybe I'll just put the frame she's on in the new bb, and then come back in a bit and take it away once she's moved off.

PH, I'm left handed. Does it make a difference?
I've got a clip-style queen catcher which cost a FORTUNE considering it's just a glorified hair-grip, but on the rare occasions when I've wanted to put HM in a safe place for a short while, I find you can gently edge it up to her and sort of tap her into it. As she shifts into the main body of the clip you can then let it shut without any risk of squashing her.
This might upset some LOL
but the other day when mike and sam came over, i wanted to mark the vicous queen that i have in one of my colonies, so i can find her easily in a couple of weeks time when its time requeen. So with that in mind i am not too worried about damaging her.
I have seen some videos on youtube about marking queens etc and the fella on there just grabbed her by the wings dabbed on paint and popped her back in.
So thats what i did. No drama. ;)

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