How do i introduce a new queen ?

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My opinion is that the bee killer should be banned from this forum for bringing beekeepers in to disrepute by his actions.

I have brought the beekeeping forum into disrepute have i . Please explain?
Norton you are a writer of little repute.

To quote from the Collins English Dictionary (disrepute) a loss or lack of credit or repute.

Mo threatens to leave this forum every time his feathers are ruffled :D
Worry Ye not about his Pictures, they will continue to appear :).
If he really means it , (I suspect not), then a visit to Photobucket will satisfy your cravings :chillpill:
Mo threatens to leave this forum every time his feathers are ruffled :D
Worry Ye not about his Pictures, they will continue to appear :).
If he really means it , (I suspect not), then a visit to Photobucket will satisfy your cravings :chillpill:

not worthy :)
I have two colonies left and as i am packing up beekeeping i think i shall kill off both colonies as i cant even give them away. How does that suit you?

You are obviously one very sick puppy.

The ethos of this forum is about beekeeping and bees and an exchange of ideas and knowledge, not a soap box for some pyromaniac.
as i cant even give them away.

I know I am likely to get some flack for this but here goes.

If the statement above is genuine what do you want him to do with them?

Walk away and leave the hive to send forth multiple swarms over the years? Surely not after the implied criticism of people who don't control swarming.

Walk away and leave the colony to potentially starve over winter or through the June gap in a year or so.

You all obviously condemn euthanasia so what do you suggest as the answer?

Is it any worse to kill unwanted colonies to prevent swarms causing problems to people or them becoming aggressive (queenless or just bred evil offspring), than it is to kill a colony in a wall which can't be cut out, and is causing a problem?

I am genuinely interested in your views.
Cumbrian has a point - after all, it seems to be de rigeur for most beekeepers to kill off their queens eventually
BY the way Norton,
I have two colonies left and as i am packing up beekeeping i think i shall kill off both colonies as i cant even give them away. How does that suit you?

Why are you having problems getting rid of them? If they are really stroppy buggers I will take them and re-queen them for you?

Why are you having problems getting rid of them? If they are really stroppy buggers I will take them and re-queen them for you?


i have also rehomed savage bees to tame them and have never been afraid of travelling... 'I cannot even rehome them' is utter cr*p

I either requeen or combine them with a weaker hive after removing the queen. If the latter, the bad tempered bees make a great work force until the grumpy bees have naturally died out.

I cannot condone destroying a population to kill one individual.
HI idiots,
I have never once mentioned that the bees were at any time aggresive or Bad tempered. The bees were placid and were walking quietly over the comb and that is why i became frustrated at not finding the queen. I did try every possible angle to find her but it became a chore.
I now have two throbbing hives with thousands of bees in each and the build up in the supers is fast and furious to my delight. These bees are out foraging even when its raining and in one hive they are fighting back at Varroa as i have not treated for five years now. The carapis on the mites show indentations and some are missing legs.

If you don't want them I'll come and collect for free.
Hello to Norton Hello to Norton come in please do you read me over?
So when are you going to burn them?
Where on earth did you dig this little gem up from i have never mentioned anything about burning bees nor would i as that is inhumane.
Do you really live on this planet or drift from outer space and back again, as you seem to introduce topics and words that have no meaning to the general conversation being spoken about.
e.g.not a soap box for some pyromaniac. You are obviously one very sick puppy dear oh dear Norton i should look inward if i were you and think about the way in which you place yourself, as i find it amusing.

Now to my two and only colonies at present i have decided to keep them going as all the hard work i have put into one of them re queens, to keep the genetic strain the same as much as possible, and the other one is a normal colony which needs treatment against Varroa, then i have the right to decide their fate but not to publish what i do with them. So i am keeping them.

Now this should finish the whole topic with no further ado i bid you all farewell!!!

BY the way Norton,
I have two colonies left and as i am packing up beekeeping i think i shall kill off both colonies as i cant even give them away. How does that suit you?

In the above but didnt mention burning