Hot knife trick

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i'll give it a try and maybe compare with the knife, for personal interest

the less waste (and mess) the better, as far as i'm concerned

so when the cappings are white is that when they are not making contact with the honey? Or is it some other way that you can tell when they are "dry".
Extracting honey today and found a neat trick. I don't have a special knife for uncapping the honey so I just use an old bread knife. I was trying to think of a way of heating it up to make the job easier. The obvious answer is hot water, but how to keep it constantly hot without the bother of reboiling the kettle continuously. I filled a thermos....perfect as the whole blade is immersed and the water keeps hot for ages. Go on tell me to shut-up as that's an old trick from way back.

Ps. Always ensure honey container taps are shut off otherwise you will end up with a large sticky pool on your I also found out today! :banghead:

Word of warning, I broke our glass lined thermos doing this, dropped the knife if and it broke it, then swapped to a stainless one, then to a heated knife.

rubbish Finman,used this method for over 20 years no differance in taste from heat gun or uncapping, the heat is just flashed over cappings has no time to heat honey and make it taste

My first electrict knife worked 25 years. I bought it about 1970.

It is handy to straighten the combs if they are too fat or curved.


My first electrict knife worked 25 years. I bought it about 1970.

It is handy to straighten the combs if they are too fat or curved.


Finman,I agree with you knife good to staighten combs that is about the only time I use it if combs are too "fat"
that is about the only time I use it "

Okay!. I uncapped propably 20 000 kg honey with that knife. Who knows?

Another knife went broken after couple of hours when I droppet it onto floor.

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My trusty knife broke last night, literally went bang, which considering I have ALOT of supers in the honey room to go through was not very handy to happen at 7pm when I'd just begun the nights work. Swapped to a heat gun to get by but my word how slow, I will agree it is low mess so if you see capping's as a liability then crack on but I see them as an asset.

Needless to say the first calls this morning were, who can get me a new knife here by tomorrow! Well done National Bee Supplies you have my order!

Have to agree phoned a few of the big guys last few days an all say they are back logged!

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