Here 16 pages information about varroa tolerant bees in Europe y 2010
Recently, a European-wide experiment was
initiated as part of the COLOSS project (http://
coloss.org) to estimate the resistance and vitality
of different European bee strains and
the interactions of these factors with different
environmental conditions. It comprises about
600 colonies of 17 different origins (A. m.
carnica, A. m ligustica, A. m macedonica, A.
m mellifera, A. m sicula) in 26 test apiaries
throughout Europe. The survival, bee population
and Varroa infestation development of the
colonies will be tested without using any acaricides
over several years.
Breeding for resistance to Varroa destructor in Europe* - COLOSS
www.coloss.org/.../buechler_et_al_Apido_10.1051.... -
and ecotypes (Ruttner, 1988) with different adaptive ... as a consequence of Varroa infestation but also due to a ... identified in untreated Apis mellifera popula- ...