Here is some guidance BUT it doesn't apply if you are not a food business who is supplying an occasional event eg village fete. It's still good practice to follow the guidance IMO.
1. Be specific. The word HONEY is required on your label.
2. All jars should have the net weight shown on the label in metric. Do not include the weight of the jar and lid. Don't rely on filling by eye. Always test your jar to be sure it is suitable for the capacity that you prefer to sell. Some jars can be larger or smaller than expected. Very few jars (excluding the 1lb and 1/2lb honey jars) are made specifically for honey and so you will find all capacities listed by ml on our website.
3. The minimum height of figures on the label must be as follows: <50g - 2mm; 50-200g - 3mm; 200g-1kg - 4mm; >1kg - 6mm
4. You can specify where your honey comes from, promoting your locality. For example, Kent Honey or Welsh Honey. This does not negate the requirement of having country of origin, which must be listed separately.
5. You can specify the type of honey, which crop it comes from so long as the honey contains at least 75% of that particular type. For example, Rape, Heather or Borage honey.
6. You must have your name and address on the label if you are selling your honey. So long as you can be found from the information, eg House Number and Post Code, the address does not need to be complete.
7. If you are selling honey through someone else, you must have a lot number and keep records relating to the batch from which the honey comes.
8. There must be a best before date on the jar. 2-5 years seems to be quite standard.