Honey Importers.... help!!!

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Oct 30, 2010
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South West
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Tad concerned to find out that a local farm has set up a High End equestrian feed business and is importing raw honey to add to the feed.

I am worried that the stuff being imported in bulk drums may be infected with AFB and this could destroy the beekeeping activities in this area..... particularly as the farm is not exactly apparently too on top of hygene with the mix being made up in open sheds ( as far as i can see)

Also possibility of the honey being repackaged and sold as local honey.... possible source is Spain or France?

What course of action if any would you take?

Yeghes da
Maybe if honey does go 'on sale' as local produce, buy some and do some microscopy, should reveal whether it is indeed 'local'. Guess then is a case of reporting your suspicions to local trading standards... that's if it gets to that stage. Are you on speaking terms with the owners? Don't know if is not worth popping in for a friendly chat to explain your concerns about AFB etc... it is very likely they just don't realise the risk as non-beekeepers?
A visit from the regional bee inspector might remind them of responsibilities.
This is so awful on so many levels. Horses don't need sugar...it makes them very ill. Why do feed companies insist on putting it in horse feed? It's because all the other crap ingredients would be rejected by the horses without the coating of sugar! Name and shame this farm! Notwithstanding the raw honey issue in regard to the local bee population.
I guess I am looking for an under the radar approach.... If I put in a complaint I may be shooting myself in the foot!

Who is responsible for animal products ingredients control and or inspection... or indeed checks up on honey imports????

Yeghes da
I am worried that the stuff being imported in bulk drums may be infected with AFB and this could destroy the beekeeping activities in this area..... particularly as the farm is not exactly apparently too on top of hygene with the mix being made up in open sheds ( as far as i can see)

There are legal responsibilities regarding control of possible bee access to honey processes and 'waste'.
The SBI ought to know (or be able to quickly find) the details and specifically who is responsible for checks and enforcement.
this boat sailed long ago


and then sailed again on this forum

The concensus of opinion on this forum was that we couldnt make a fuss about the disposal of honey waste, with its potential to spread bee diesases, as it would hurt sales. You cant now make a fuss about horsefeeds for the same reason.

Yet the wide spread beekeeeper concensus is All honey is a potential source of bee pathogens.

contradictory ... you bet

choose! your bees or your pocket?
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Get the RBI involved, I did:
About two years ago 50gall drums were on ebay loacl to me. Stated exactly what they were imported bulk honey drums. They sold loads.
I reported to our RBI, he followed up, turned out local bottling plant need rid off; this guy picked them up and put straight on ebay. SBI explained the errors of their ways and they both promised to clean up their acts and not do it in future.
I guess I am looking for an under the radar approach.... If I put in a complaint I may be shooting myself in the foot!

Who is responsible for animal products ingredients control and or inspection... or indeed checks up on honey imports????

Yeghes da

If you wish, I could report it - I'm close enough to have an interest but far enough not to get any flak if the owner gets upset.

pm me with the details if you want to go along this route.

this boat sailed long ago


and then sailed again on this forum

The concensus of opinion on this forum was that we couldnt make a fuss about the disposal of honey waste, with its potential to spread bee diesases, as it would hurt sales. You cant now make a fuss about horsefeeds for the same reason.

Yet the wide spread beekeeeper concensus is All honey is a potential source of bee pathogens.

contradictory ... you bet

choose! your bees or your pocket?

Actually Derek, that wasn't the subject of your previous poll.

I would propose compulsary labelling on all honey jars both imported and local something like:

" Please help protect your local honeybees and bumblebees from the spread of disease by carefully washing this container after use and before disposal"

Are you in favour of this?,

Comments and ammendments on the wording are welcome.
But don't all Councils ask that the public wash out all glass containers before recycling?

Not that they do.
But don't all Councils ask that the public wash out all glass containers before recycling?

Not that they do.

I get told off for not washing plastic youghurt pots....
Down the drain - and that's where the problems could start.

Down the drain is nothing to do with it. It's businesses using imported honey and not washing out the containers before releasing them.

Round here we have seen AFB outbreaks from both a honey re-packer in Stockport and a user of honey in the manufacture of "munchie bars" in S Cheshire leaving their empty tubs exposed for "our" bees to rob.

In both cases the local bee inspectors visited and made sure that the source was eliminated by making them wash the tubs within their plants.
It's businesses using imported honey and not washing out the containers before releasing them.

Any honey bought in can contain AFB spores, not only imported honey.
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