Absolutely not, the supermarkets and food processors have to take responsibility.Do you think that all honey testing is pointless? Should we just accept that Chinese honey is authentic but super-cheap despite all of the reports to the contrary, statistics on Chinese hive numbers vs exports over recent decades and blatant advertising on Alibaba for 'honey syrup' that passes the fraud tests?
It is a fact that the NMR tests, which give a molecular profile of the substance being tested, are only as good as the reference library of profiles they have to compare against.
The EU with it's high standards and all its might as a trading block has the best chance of revealing the fraudsters and staying ahead of them, but there needs to be political will to achieve this, and then of course the UK would only be a smeared shadow of what the EU achieve hanging on their coat tails.
I think the reason most fake honey gets under the radar is because it's not in most people's interest to reveal it, it's hidden as a constituent of something else, chilli sauce or honey nut cornflakes, honey in a jar is much easier to judge by anyone with a reasonable pallet.