Honey colouration

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Queen Bee
Nov 10, 2008
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Maesteg South Wales
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Having recently done an unsuccessfull cut out, I had a quantity of honey in the comb to sort out. After mashing and straining I have now put most of it into a honey bucket. I put some into jars for tasting. This honey is very dark in colour, it tastes fine but as my own honey is a clear yellow I am wondering if it is ok.
I have no experience in the colour of honey so what do you think?
As I said it tates fine to me but just wanted to make sure.:cheers2:
I will post a picture of it tomorrow. It is from a different area to where I keep my bees, and I have only ever seen light coloured honey. It does taste ok so maybe I am being unduly worried as it was all capped honey.
If it tastes ok it probably is ok.

There are thousands of honey colours and tastes.

Isnt he saying the honey is all from the same source but now is a different colour? - and thats why a concern to him. But, yes, if it tastes good.. bottle.
Why toffee, Admin? A new variety of bee we can pounce on and market? :cheers2:
If you actually 'mashed' the comb you may have introduced some small amount of colouration from the comb. If you just scraped and then centifuged through a filter that should not be very much at all. If you heated the honey you may get a toffee taste if it was locally overheated. Honey colour changes as does the season (with changes of forage). OSR is much different from beans, for instsance.

Regards, RAB
Colouration from the comb? *scratches head*

Do you mean some pollen perhaps? I cannot see that making any odds to be honest.

I think the gentleman has come across a new honey to him and that is what is perplexing him hence my comment on thousands of types.

By the by never think that because your hives are set there... that that is what they are working on. I have seen Hawthorn honey neatly stored in the middle of a comb of OSR. I refer you to my tag line....

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By the by never think that because your hives are set there... that that is what they are working on. I have seen Hawthorn honey neatly stored in the middle of a comb of OSR. I refer you to my tag line....


My hives were nicely positioned by the river bank which was absolutely heaving with balsam this year..........only two hives were working it, the rest zoomed off in the other direction

To answer the original question, honey comes in all colours, some of it very dark, though in my experience dark honey is rarer. It all depends on what the bees have been working. It might also be honeydew, which is collected from aphids and other sap sucking insects. All are edible! (but not the aphids, unless you are a Ladybird)
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Honeydew. Worth a small fortune in Germany where it is much sought after. Commands a higher price than Heather.

Why toffee, Admin?
I was thinking it could be Horse chesnut,I find it has a slight taste of toffee's and is dark.

Veg send a few ml's to Bcrazy and he will tell you whats in it..
Colouration from the comb? *scratches head*

Sorry, perhaps I should have written ' from mortar and pestled cocoons in old comb'. I did say a small amount.

There are cures for your affliction. Used to be DDT, then malathion and other nasties, now Tea tree oil and other preparations. You could try honey, I suppose.

Regards, RAB
Ok as promised a picture of the honey. Its the one on the left they have both been filtered through the same size filter. I gave some to my father in law he said it has a sort of caramel taste to it. It has not been hot enough to affect the taste.
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This is Turkish pine Honey, A real delicacy :).(honey dew really)


John Wilkinson
I have spoken to the owner of the house they have four massive horse chestnut trees in the grounds.

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