Home made fondant & glycerin

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Read this:

. Balance your inner ecosystem: The body constantly strives to achieve a state of homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. One way is by keeping the body's pH balance (or acid-base balance) within the normal range of 7.35 - 7.45. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level. Research shows that higher acid levels (lower pH level) leads to a lack of energy, excessive production of mucous and higher incidences of infection, among other things.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036142_apple_cider_vinegar_reference_graphic.html#ixzz2NjuSL5s5

Luckily EU has forbidden to use this kind of carbage.

pH of blood is strictly 7,35–7,45.

And it does not depend on what you eate.

in stomach pH is 1-3. Its duty is to kill microbia.

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A word about attempting to make fondant with glycerine. it is a type of fat and will successfully produce a toffee, but not a fondant. Not such a good idea as RosieMc found out.

Just follow Frisbee's fondant recipe (for beekeepers) and you won't go wrong unless you fail to follow the instructions. Don't try to dissolve the sugar by boiling, but by heating, then allow it to come to the boil briefly as required. Once the Pan is in the sink with cold water around it, remember this:

With 1kg of sugar and around 270ml of water (half pint), you have a saturated solution of around 5:1. If you can keep that lot liquid as it cools, then you should tell someone about it, so keep stirring. A 4kg sugar load and 2pints of water has a lot of thermal inertia to get rid of and will take a fair bit of time stirring before it starts to take on the milky appearance that you are seeking. A big dod of glucose syrup, buy it in a big tub from an appropriate baking outlet will ensure that the texture is soft.

Being dismissive about making fondant just indicates that for you it has apparently fallen into your 'too difficult' bucket. Don't cop out, understand the mechanism and don't blame hubby for bringing the wrong product, unfortunate as it was he took the best advice at the time, but he wasn't responsible for putting it in the fondant.

You got it wrong, you learned something, next time you will do better or maybe you won't bother with fondant and the bees can take their chances with your next best option. Successive approximation or refining the process, call it what you will. Better luck next time. Hubby can always be put on washing up duties and gylcerin and lemon is good for a sore throat if you don't have any honey . . . :)

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