hives stolen Derbyshire

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New Bee
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Just a note - just been notified by local association that 3 hives (with bees) have been stolen from the South Normanton area near Alfreton, Derbyshire. No further info is available but if you are local stay vigilant.
it's particularly sad because it's beekeepers that must be the end purchaser?
They might know how to handle them, but probably are not beekeepers. Possibly keepers of bees - temporary only! Possibly some new not-yet beeks, but I doubt it. A true beekeeper could not afford to be doing that sort of thing. Other beekeepers would remember for a very, very long time, if they were to find out about someone doing that sort of thing.

Regards, RAB
they will have anythink that will make money i had pigeons befor bees and they were birds going missing from shows and peoples homes, one chap had about 300 pigeons took then about 3 months later they come back and took all the new ones he had brought bout £6 grands worth.

I despise theives, simple as that.

RAB, dont try to apply your standards to everybody else, I was bitterly dissapointed at the attitude and arrogance of so many beekeepers at stoneleigh last year.

As with everything in life, not all beekeepers are nice people.
Interesting taff... so it's not just me then.


not at all PH.

I'm naturally grumpy and can have a sharp tongue at times and when I'm wrong MrsTaff will usually put me in my place quicksharp, but on this occasion she agreed with me and so did quite a few others on the forums :cheers2:
Im with you there Taff, i see them sometimes in thornes down this way.

But i think in general we are a good hearted bunch. This new spate of thefts is very disturbing.

I despise theives, simple as that.

RAB, dont try to apply your standards to everybody else, I was bitterly dissapointed at the attitude and arrogance of so many beekeepers at stoneleigh last year.

As with everything in life, not all beekeepers are nice people.

Like the buggers who nicked my brood boxes off my trolley at Windsor last year.
My experience over the last 18 months has been that beekeepers are a very helpful bunch. I've only ever had one negative comment ("beekeeping is a middle class hobby you know" - just the sort of thing to make a pleb like me stick at it).

But the amount of help freely offered and given has been tremendous.

I'v never been to a Thornes sale or Stoneleigh though.
At the Thornes Stockbridge sale I had a trolley with stuff on and told my 13 year old to guard it with her life.

She ended up arguing with a guy who tried to grab some stuff when her back was turned.

He just stood there with his hand on the trolley then grabbed as she looked over for me.
You have to laugh.
I think I would have laughed with my fist if my daughter had been involved.
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Like the buggers who nicked my brood boxes

If you had paid for them, I agree. But everyone knows that is a free-for-all dog fight and you need minders to look after the stuff before you actually buy it (pay for it). I know that is bad, and that's one reason I will never go to another Thorne one-day sale.

And, yes, scum - I agree there.


The sad part is this will just be the start, this season will get under way with huge demand for watch this space.

What I really would like to see though is one of the b£$%$£"^ get caught.

Regards Ian
