Hive sliding apart

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Hi as you may be able to tell I am new at beekeeping.
One of the concerns I have is the hives sliding off or getting knocked, or do the bee's stick it together .
i saw in Beekeeping at bottom of garden , some slide locks,can't seem to find any source, but came across z springs on David Cushmans item on Z springs, I expect they are allso like hen's teeth.
But decieded I will have a go at making some simular by useing his screw template pat in oak and adding extra screw at pivot at 1 o clock and extra length of wire for leaverage to hold wire as it is shaped.
I have a plentyful supply of 14 g s s bike spokes as I used to be a wheel builder in previous life.
Any idear's befor I wast my Time.
Left over bits of spoke would do as Queen bee markers, i have read a lot about marking Queens is it realy nessassery ? if the hive is working the Queen is there ? ore is to tell if you got a diffrent Queen? surley you should no how old the Queen is in only a few hives , and a lot to much extra work, I assum the reason for keeping records and hive are marked to corespond with yrs and worked carried out

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