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Hive for sale

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Not selling fast!!!

He's just moved about 200 boxes of bees over onto Langstroth, and that's not including hives that were in store.

With 1 hive I am sure most things are faster.

I would suggest fast is relative:rolleyes:

Regards Ian
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Hi to you all
Sorry I have not responded earlier,
I have been selling hives like crazy, 38 in the last two weeks.
So in response Hawklord they are selling, but things are seasonal like everything.

Barbs85.... The move to new Langstroths went ok, do I regret the move over ... NO....would I do things differently, if I was doing it now...YES... hindsight is a wondeful thing. I am not really able to comment on the honey crop though, because we had such a dry year down here!! I concentrated on getting them down and increased to 250 as well.
Are you really at 600+ hives?

I still have 30ish hives left in Nationals, for those who are interested. If you are after commercials just 2 hives left and also 2 spare brood boxes, be quick there is interest.

Also Smiths for those who really want a one off Christmas bargain.

Hi Ian how many are you up to now?

Regards Mike

Regards Mike
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I wouldn't worry about losing honey crop changing over to a different type of hive. Do a shook swarm as early as possible in the Spring and show them a field of rape as soon as possible afterwards. They'll be on two brood boxes before you know it and there'll still be plenty of honey in the supers. This at least was my experience this year and I am planning to do it to all my other colonies in 2010. Of course I don't have a large numbers of hives but the principle is the same. I did the shook swarm in late March and the rape was in flower a few weeks later so feeding was still necessary for the first week or so.
hi mike, thanks for your reply.
sorry to hear that you had a dry year! did you go to the heather? ours was ok, better than the one before.
yes me and my father run around 600 hives. we also run about 300 mating nucs.
hi mike enquiring about hives for sale can you deliver or pick up only ? also what kind of price you looking at for nationals ? cheers wayne
Hi Wayne,welcome to the forum.

Pop your location in your "User control panel" as often you will get a pm from a member close to you offering what you are after if the person you are asking cannot help..
Hi Guys
I have a few more left and need the space, anyone interested PM me.

Regards Mike
National Hives

Have you still got any hives for sale? I am keen to start keeping bees.

Please let me know how I make direct contact with you.

Many thanks
Thouroughly recommend this guy!!!
Picked up 5 Nationals in the week, one still left to collect, must get a bigger car!!
Very helpful and experienced bee keeper, many thanks Mike
I have more than 100+ hives and other equipment for sale as I have totally changed over to Langstroths this year. They are mainly Nationals with a small number of Commercials, 14 x 12's and Smiths. I would like to sell as complete hives to include Floor, Brood box, Crown board, two, three or even four supers (all castellated) and a roof. They are used but in good condition and have been treated with Cuprinol this year.
There will be NO frames or drawn wax with these hives.

Please PM me for contact details to negotiate price.


Hi, please can you tell me what price you would accept for 4 Nationals as above with two Supers each? To be collected of course!
Thanks and regards.
Hi Mike, Just wondered if you had any national hives and what your best price would be.

Many thanks
C'mon boys and girls. It says clearly :Please PM me for contact details to negotiate price.

He may have an e-mail contact as well which might get his attention sooner.

Regards, RAB
fyi Mike seems a nice guy but can take a long time to reply, even with PM's (v.busy)
The price depends on how many you want. I admit I am slow to reply as running the number of hives that I do, does not leave a lot of time to answer. A PM can get a discount from me. They are all off to an auction soon so grab them while you can, I need the space.

Regards Mike

Auction on the 9th so get a move on if you are interested
re hives

Is it possible to buy one or two as I am just setting up?
Really interested in about 2 complete hives, im in Cumbria but my brother lives in Kent and could pick up. How much do you want for them ?

Hives for sale?

Hi, am new to this forum and sent you a PM yesterday re your hives for sale.
Thank you!
Gaynor :hurray:
Posted by OP on the 3rd of May!!

"They are all off to an auction soon so grab them while you can, I need the space....... Auction on the 9th so get a move on if you are interested"
