Seems I'm late to the party and the fighting has started already...
Caught some of the first episode yesterday on iPlayer. I have to say that I was impressed with the approach, pace and general standard. That said, I felt the comments of the beekeeper himself were underwhelming on a number of occasions - for instance the comment that "the queen is excluded from the super for hygiene reasons" gave an incorrect impression of (un)hygienic areas in the hive. Perhaps he was trying to simplify for a novice audience, but each such comment could have been phrased better (and, in the case of the queen excluder, more accurately). I wonder what was lost in the edit, though?
Dan, in episode 2 you'll discover that Martha's extraction technique has barely improved since The Wonder of Bees. Could have done to use an ordinary double strainer between extractor and jarring bucket. Better that than to apologise on camera for "bits of bee" in the honey …

And she MUST learn not to stick her fingers in the product and lick them.
"Unhygienic?" That is.
Although the programme-makers were able to come up with brand new WBC lifts, they could have done the same for the actual bee boxes! But there wasn't much they could do about the frames …
And what was the beekeeper doing when he inspected the hive (blip on the weight chart) just before it swarmed … ?
I would also question Adam's interpretation of the weight gain after swarming. What went out was fully-ripened honey. What came in was nectar, that with fewer bees was processed more slowly. The weight gain would have just been watery nectar. Not quite the same! And, having lost so much bee-power, the colony is going to be 'behind' its unswarmed potential. It will never "make up for the lost swarm".
Don't get me wrong, it was good to see such a programme getting prime-time airing.
It was pretty good.
But there was the potential for it to be even better, without significant extra budget, just by being a little more careful. I'm sure Adam wouldn't have charged much to review the programme while it was still possible to correct (or add) graphics, and sort out some of the voiceover gaffes…