Hi from South Somerset

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Feb 2, 2022
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I am a new beekeeper who completed a practical course 2 years ago just before Covid entered our lives. With my ambitions delayed I redid the course this year and now attending practical session at my local association and have set up a small apiary (A Hyde Hives Long hive - two hives - one in reserve) in the field adjacent to my garden. Through the association I was introduced to an experienced local beekeeper who was downsizing her apiary and purchased a small colony from her. Together we transferred the colony into the first hive last Sunday with my first solo inspection this coming Sunday. I am now wondering and worrying about how to manage and prevent swarming - reading everything I can but realise how much practical knowledge I lack. I think the answer is to go with a nucleus hive although the beekeeper who helped thought I could just use my spare hive. Won't know where I am till this Sunday morning inspection, definitely need advice!
Welcome to the forum.
Post your questions in the beginners section. You’ll get lots of help there.
Hopefully a small colony shouldn’t be making swarm preps just yet so you should be able to get a little more comfortable with your new bees before you have to do any manipulation.
Oh and the Hyde hives are works of art aren’t they?
I have a cedar barn owl box they made me. Beautiful

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