Hi all. I'd appreciate your help.

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Mar 31, 2018
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The time has come and i collect my nuc tomorrow. Daunting but exciting. The bees got too big for the nuc so the beek put them in a poly brood box which he will give me with the bees. Thats grand, no problem. However its a standard national and i have a 14x12 so im at a xroads. I can simply keep them in the poly but I'd rather deposit them in my shiny new hive, its what i paid a lot of money for after all. This then complicates things. The frames wont fit and theyll build comb outwith the frame. Do i simply put them in and dummy up each side or add my frames in a chequerboard style? Should I also feed them 1 to 1 solution? Any advice most welcome. Thanks to all.
National frames fit into a 14x12 hive, they will however build comb underneath the frame.

I'd put them in and some 14x12 foundation, at one side and let them draw that out. Then work the national frames throughout the season to one side and keep replacing with 14x12 foundation until all are replaced.

Another possibility is to buy the frame extension kits.

I feed my nucs and given how much foundation they are going to replace I think it would be advisable.
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Thanks Angry Mob, appreciated. "I'd put them in and some 14x12 foundation, at one side and let them draw that out". Just one side, not either side?

1 to 1 solution?

Thanks Angry Mob, appreciated. "I'd put them in and some 14x12 foundation, at one side and let them draw that out". Just one side, not either side?

1 to 1 solution?


If you put them one side then each inspection remove a national and add a proper size on the outer edge of the new frames, like a rolling road sort of thing, out one side, in the other. Yes, 1:1
They will make drone brood at the bottom of the old frames.

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