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John Hammond

New Bee
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
West sussex
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I have a hive with a super on 2 weeks ago the super was filling up and some honey was capped. Today I take a look and no capped honey and no stores in the brood box.
Is this due to robbing??
I have a hive with a super on 2 weeks ago the super was filling up and some honey was capped. Today I take a look and no capped honey and no stores in the brood box.
Is this due to robbing??

Maybe, but likely due to the weather - how's the last few weeks been where you are? If too wet or windy, no foraging. If flowers are parched, no foraging.
Did you check for brood and eggs and queen cells ? Bees will gorge on the stores before they swarm .. You are not that far from me and one of mine have filled a second super in the last ten days ... Lots of forage about although it's been dry and the rain over that last couple of days has really got things going this weekend ...