New Bee
Hey everyone, Please could someone help. My Dad and I started keeping bees last year we purchased a nuc from a great couple near to where we live in Cornwall. the bees seemed to be thriving and we grew in confidence on our weekly hive inspection. At the end of last year we managed to harvest a few jars of quite simply nectar of the gods. after harvesting we fed and got the hive ready for winter. After winter we fed the hive again due to the terribly late spring weather, we had left the initial opening of the hive until we had reasonable temperatures. We were both happy to discover on opening a laying queen and we were feeling rather proud of ourselves getting the hive through the winter. Last week I took some 50/50 feed down to the ladies because we have been having torrential rain and terrible weather. everything seemed to be fine. This week however things are a different matter the hive seemed desolate on arrival and after opening I found a small pile of dead bees and no queen or any worker bees left alive. I think they may have swarmed but am not sure because all the bees left behind are now dead. I feel as if ive let the ladies down can someone help me understand whats gone on.