Help please - I thought it was dead

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Field Bee
May 29, 2010
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One of my colonies, in a WBC, went in to the winter not very strong for various reasons. This year so far I have never seen a bee fly in or out of the hive so was convinced the colony was dead. I went in today just so I could sort the hive out for a new colony later in the year and to try to establish what had happened. To my surprise there were bees taking fondant from the crownboard. When I lifted the board there was one seam of quite active bees. As it was cold I did not lift any frames out so have no idea if there is a queen/brood. My plan (if you could call it that) is to feed weak syrup and see what happens over the next couple of weeks. Any opinions??:beatdeadhorse5:
without knowing if there is brood I would find it hard to know if they were just 'survivors' with no queen or a very small hive that deserves attention. I would suggest you have nothing to lose by feeding. they clearly need food if they are on fondant!
Hope this helps
my thoughts exactly enrico but i didn't want to risk removing frames in this weather (8 degrees and windy)
Insulation? Keep them as warm as possile.

How exactly are they taking fondant from the crownboard?? Is there an open feed hole? If so close it.

Feed 1:1 with a frame feeder?

Reinforce with a small patch (initially) of emerging brood from your other hive, or even with young bees when warmer.

Reduce the effective box size with sealing dividers, or transfer to an insulated nuc hive.

Some to do now, some later when you know they have a viable queen.

Consider uniting remaining bees with your other colony and making an early split to recover colony number (I know, that one is not a particularly palatable option with only two colonies).

Regards, RAB
As with o90o. It is early Spring lest we forget! April can be cold! Bring them back to a Nuc or Nuc equiv size with insultaion, dummies or a move soonest I think. I have the same prob on a colony and, weather permitting, they are going back to an insulated nuc on friday. R
I had a similar situation where a colony had dropped to around 2 frames but were clinging on. I know something wasn't right as they went flying when the other colonies were even on warm ish days.

So moved them to a nuc quickly and when I checked at weekend they had a nice patch of brood. You might find like me That they didn't consume much store because of their size and you can use the frames accordingly to give them some stores.

Hope yours turn out to be ok.
Keith, I am so pleased they are still alive after the possible disappointment
Is the entrance clear enough for them to make an exit?

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