Hagens Bees

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Thats what I have done
Me too. Hagens emailed me today. I bought a couple of ekes from BE over a year ago, and I feel that if Hagens [having done any sort of deal with them BE]it's a grey area. I did not give BE permission to pass my data to any third party [which should include anyone taking their business over and trading under a different name]. Any more emails from Hagens will simply go into Spam. If I don't like a company's business ethics, I suspect their products, too. So I don't trade with them.
If BE, who had my data, were selling out to another trader would it not have been a better advertisement to email all existing customers to give notice and offer customers the option of unsubscribing at that point? Simon the Beekeeper [Caldwell] did just that - so I am happy to hear from the successor trader from Lancashire - who retain the same business name.
I received the email too. I will buy from them if it’s in my interests to do so. I had bought from the previous company and I’m not overly bothered about being mailed by Hagen.
The emails that really bug me are all gambling/casino related - something I’ve never done. I block them over and over again and I’ve discovered whilst the main company name may be blocked, I receive it again and again, each time seemingly via a pseudo email address, listed directly beneath the company name. I also block that address but on and on it goes…..
Being honest I'm more annoyed by the oft repeated mantra of can't talk to you unless you confirm x y z . It's security you know! This goes on when the buggers phoned me on my mobile! I can easily block spam posts
I work on the premise the anyone who calls me first tells me what they want. Until they do we don't have a topic of conversation.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if the erstwhile Stephanie knows owt about bees?
She’s down on the Companies House form as a company director where as Patrick was down as a bee keeper
Oh this could be an opportunity. Maybe she will give me a job! I would like to have a go at that website, and make it more beekeeper friendly. I bought lots of stuff from Patrick, and never had any trouble. There was little on the current Hagen website that I would want or need to buy.
She’s down on the Companies House form as a company director where as Patrick was down as a bee keeper
they chop and change directors/company names so frequently it's surprising they know which office to turn up at.
Fell out with BE years ago and have tried many times to unsubscribe from their mailing list without success. Was getting 4-5 emails a week. Wondered why they had stopped a few weeks ago which coincidentally was when I received an email from Haden Bees. Reported & hopefully blocked. Not a company I want anything to do with
I bought one too (and I’m very pleased with her), but the emails just don’t stop, despite following the unsubscribe option.
Sorry about that. When you hit unsubscribe it should remove you from the list but for some reason it can be a bit buggy

If you drop me an email (appreciate the irony) with your email address, I can manually remove you from the list and that will stop all emails

Same applies to anyone else who would like to be removed - we don't mean to be a nuisance :(

[email protected]
Sorry about that. When you hit unsubscribe it should remove you from the list but for some reason it can be a bit buggy

If you drop me an email (appreciate the irony) with your email address, I can manually remove you from the list and that will stop all emails

Same applies to anyone else who would like to be removed - we don't mean to be a nuisance :(

[email protected]
Hi, after another unsubscribe attempt, they appear to have stopped. So no worries.
I presume you are Hagens Bees 😂😂

You'd kind of hope they'd be able to get the name right if they were :D

I've had yet more junk mail from them this week and it's finally got to the point where I've just set my mail server to reject any email from them. Their loss.

You'd kind of hope they'd be able to get the name right if they were :D

I've had yet more junk mail from them this week and it's finally got to the point where I've just set my mail server to reject any email from them. Their loss.

I put them on junk as soon as I started getting mail.
I see they have an ad in BBKA mag this month.