Groundhog Day 2012

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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February 2nd 2012 12.00 noon Sunny Tamar Valley Devon /Cornwall borders

Our Ground hog [TAMAR TIM] saw his shadow... therefore we shall have 40 more days of winter this year..........
Yesterday at noon in the Greatgreygreenslimeytamarrivervalleyallsetaboutwithcovidiotseconhomeownersthreatenedwit£2000finesiftheygettheirregplateszapped!
Our Ground hog [TAMAR TIM] saw his shadow... therefore we shall have 40 more days of winter this year..........

So no early inspections!!

Yeghes da
Oh my ... was it really groundhog day again so soon ... ?

Once more unto the abyss once more dear friends ..drink your spirits and once more cry hari kari for England, God, Country and St George ...

Willis Spearshake
Oh my ... was it really groundhog day again so soon ... ?

Once more unto the abyss once more dear friends ..drink your spirits and once more cry hari kari for England, God, Country and St George ...

Willis Spearshake
And wasn’t it Imbolc on Monday?
Oh my ... was it really groundhog day again so soon ... ?

Once more unto the abyss once more dear friends ..drink your spirits and once more cry hari kari for England, God, Country and St George ...

Willis Spearshake
Once more unto the abyss once more dear friends ..drink your spirits and once more cry hari kari forKernow, God, Country and St Piran.

Yeghes da