Groundhog Day 2012

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February 2nd 2015 12.00 noon Sunny Tamar Valley Devon /Cornwall borders

Our Ground hog [TAMAR TIM] saw his shadow... therefore we shall have 40 more days of winter this year..........

Welcome back ... a real groundhog day ... have you been lurking or just busy ? Not much changed on here - we're still arguing about the same things !!
At Noon today (2nd February 2016) Our Ground hog TAMAR TIM saw his shadow... bit the landlady on the thumb and then went for the pub cat!
Thus predicting another 40 days of Winter.

What I will do for a pint!

Yeghes da
February 2nd 2017 12.00 noon Sunny Tamar Valley Devon /Cornwall borders

Our Ground hog [TAMAR TIM] did not his shadow... therefore we should expect an early Spring!

Thanks to the Rebel Brewing Co. for the excellent pint of CORNISH Honeytrap a delicious pale honey ale [ Alc 4.2% Vol] made with added Cornish Black bee honey.
We did not offer any to TamarTim as he was in a particularly foul mood!

Yeghes da
At 12 noon GMT ( Local Kernow Time) 2nd February 2018
Cornwall's very own groundhog Tamar Tim reluctantly made his annual appearance and saw his shadow.........

Thus predicting another 40 days of Winter.

Yeghes da
My mum passed away in July 2012 just before we moved here so she never got to see out beautiful home. Her birthday is February 5th and I always send her a text happy birthday. Aren’t we daft.
At Noon today (2nd February 2016) Our Ground hog TAMAR TIM saw his shadow... bit the landlady on the thumb and then went for the pub cat!
Thus predicting another 40 days of Winter.

What I will do for a pint!

Yeghes da

I don’t care that some people say you live in your own world. Sometimes you are so funny, so thanks
At 12 noon GMT ( Local Kernow Time) 2nd February 2018
Cornwall's very own groundhog Tamar Tim reluctantly made his annual appearance and saw his shadow.........

Thus predicting another 40 days of Winter.

Yeghes da

Do your best to protect Tamar Tim from the murder squads sent in by the Non-Native Species Secretariat. Mind you, unless somebody sends in a dead one or a photograph, they will ignore all reports of grounghogs.

Do your best to protect Tamar Tim from the murder squads sent in by the Non-Native Species Secretariat. Mind you, unless somebody sends in a dead one or a photograph, they will ignore all reports of grounghogs.


Groundhogs are native to Cornwall? Whatever next!
February 2nd 2019 12.00 noon Sunny Tamar Valley Devon /Cornwall borders

Our Ground hog TAMAR TIM saw his shadow... therefore we shall have 40 more days of winter this year..........

Found a use for a polly National 14 x 12 abomination of a brood box... Tim's new winter lair!

February 2nd 2019 12.00 noon Sunny Tamar Valley Devon /Cornwall borders

Our Ground hog TAMAR TIM saw his shadow... therefore we shall have 40 more days of winter this year..........

Found a use for a polly National 14 x 12 abomination of a brood box... Tim's new winter lair!


Should have added.... with WRC solid floor... Marmot friendly entrance.. loads of straw and a 50mm kingspan cover in a deep WRC roof!
Today at Noon local time 2nd February 2020 in the Silver Weal Public House overlooking the


Tamar Tim our very own Cornish native dark groundhog, reluctantly was encouraged out of his winter lair (a comfy cat box) with a juicy comb of sweetcorn on the cob..... did not see his shadow and thus predicts an early end to winter and another bumper crop of Black bee honey!

Tamar Tim then knocked my pint of Tribute over the barmaid, chased the landlady's whippet out into the road, where it was narrowly missed by Doris's runaway Defender 90, Her pet billy goat, awoken by the commotion, had knocked the Landy out of gear, it eventually came to a halt running into the back of the Master Beekeeper's Berlingo!

Time for a cup of tea!


Yeghes da
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Imbolc when the Cailleach—the divine hag of Gaelic tradition—gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she wishes to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood.

Yesterday was bright and sunny here :(