Great being retired.....innit!!!

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Jul 23, 2009
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Tax allowance frozen and beer up 5p a pint.
I must cultivate a liking for home brew and mead.
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I dont think i will ever get to be retired.They keep moving the age up ...
I retired 13 years ago .. and have learned to make money with minimal free of course..
I dont think i will ever get to be retired.They keep moving the age up ...

But so does longevity. We are living longer, so we cannot expect our economy to continue to support our rapidly ageing population.
Totally agree with that. All my working life I was self employed and an employer for half that time. I worked 24 hours on call for 10 years when I first started but I was damn sure I wanted to be retired at 55 so I saved like mad. Pension went somewhat to pot but I have sufficient. Just that 5p on beer....tsk tsk
But so does longevity. We are living longer, so we cannot expect our economy to continue to support our rapidly ageing population.

Depends entirely on the type of work you do. Office based work no problem. Manual labour now that's a different story.
Also we are living longer but now for more years in ill health.

The trick is the work to support yourself then you can retire when you like.
I plan to pop my clogs at the age of 99 (don't want a telegram from the Queen),
cause of demise - shot by a jealous husband:biggrinjester: I also plan to be 100K in debt at the time - way to go:sifone:
I plan to pop my clogs at the age of 99 (don't want a telegram from the Queen),
cause of demise - shot by a jealous husband:biggrinjester: I also plan to be 100K in debt at the time - way to go:sifone:

He's not joking.
He really does have clogs.
... but I was damn sure I wanted to be retired at 55 so I saved like mad. Pension went somewhat to pot but I have sufficient. Just that 5p on beer....tsk tsk

Funnily enough exactly what I arranged yesterday, same age

Mind you, our pub is putting beer up by 10p (it doesn't do small change):cheers2:
look at it this way. You are getting money for just waking up .... so keep waking up is what I say. I love retirement.
Decided when I retire to live life to the full, when money runs out go and kill someone who's death would benefit the country then live with full medical, food, accomodation bills paid until my demise at a prison establishment .
The service to the country would ease my guilt at the expense free living

( although nearly took early retirement when Balir was in charge !)
Decided when I retire to live life to the full, when money runs out go and kill someone who's death would benefit the country then live with full medical, food, accomodation bills paid until my demise at a prison establishment .
The service to the country would ease my guilt at the expense free living

( although nearly took early retirement when Balir was in charge !)
Pretty much any of today's politicians would do.

Better not say too much, or I'll be getting a knock on the door at 2am in the morning.

Added: Not worth the effort. Almost as soon as one is bumped off another pops up to take his place.
Retired at 56. Now 62. Best thing i EVER did. If you can eke the money out, my advice is DO IT!! Congrats M Abeuille and welcome
I was made redundant and given 6 months notice at 63 but the firm then wanted to extended my contact for a further nine months but I decided to call it a day and take my pension...when I was made redundant I did not want to stop work but now wish i took my pension much earlier

Main problem is finding time to rest and many things going on....but i can always say "sorry, don't want to"

Currently income in ,exceeds income out, so all is well, though I can foresee a time when it will not...not 5p on beer that I am worried about, its diesel at £1.49/ltr...:driving: Council Tax at £2300

I have worked work out that i can inspect my Bees bee-smillie just using my Bus Pass ( as the London Passt covers Tube and off peak trains in London as well)... i trialled a feeding run with fondant in February, it took all day but cost me nothing to visit three apiaries each about 4 miles apart and 10 miles from home

But perhaps not in the white Beesuit might scare a few old ladies
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I don't think i would like being retired,love beekeeping too much,and can't think of anything else i would rather be doing really.

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