Good Riddance!

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Even in my youth ,the said paper was referred to as 'The Screws of the World'

"News of the screws", who screws who revealed on a Sunday for the titillation of all and the profit of a very select few.

I see that Mr Murdoch's sole concern seems to be keeping his read headed woman in her post and is willing to destroy the jobs of others, seemingly out of spite.

I do hope that he is disbarred from taking control of B Sky B.

I seem to recollect that a significant number of Australians want nothing to do with the British Monarchy. Perhaps we should resolve to have absolutely nothing to do with this Australian businessman who appears to believe that he should be allowed to shape the political landscape of this country and abuse us all in the process.
Looks like the Times will also have a few questions to answer over the next few days as well..

The guy is going to have no newspapers left at this rate..

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