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I hate it when I can't decide what to eat. Should I have some dinner with my carrot?


More weeding today (along with finding one or two "lost" carrots :). Another two beds done. Before that I spent some of the morning sowing tomato seeds. Quite a few varieties this year: Amish Paste, Polish Linguisa, Garnet, Lotos, Skykomish, Latah, Dívčí Prs and De Colgar. Also made a second sowing of Romanesco cauliflower.

Colgar is a good one, they keep for months.
I hate it when I can't decide what to eat. Should I have some dinner with my carrot?


More weeding today (along with finding one or two "lost" carrots :). Another two beds done. Before that I spent some of the morning sowing tomato seeds. Quite a few varieties this year: Amish Paste, Polish Linguisa, Garnet, Lotos, Skykomish, Latah, Dívčí Prs and De Colgar. Also made a second sowing of Romanesco cauliflower.

Latah is delicious. I’m a dimwit and failed to keep some seeds last year and have now run out. Duh!
I'm hoping so. We eat huge amounts of tomatoes and I hate it when we have to buy them from shops. Just need to understand what sort of storage conditions they need now.

I kept a wheelbarrow load in a big onion sack in the cool pantry, lasted about 3 months.
Thanks James. I love Real Seeds and always buy from them when needed. Will duly order.

I use them as much as possible too. Still not got into the hang of saving seeds for all the plants I grow (where it's practical), but I'm going to try for more this year. Tomatoes and peas are the main ones I've kept so far, but (sweet and chile) peppers which I've not had a great deal of success with in the past definitely need to be attempted again, as do lettuces. If I'm really organised I'll keep back some of the onions and beetroot from this year's harvest and plant them out again next year for seed.

I was mostly doing other things today, but got in an hour or so of weeding in the veg plot just to keep things moving in the right direction. As well as the usual types of weed, one area had a carpet of what looked like moss, but not any type I'm familiar with. It was low-growing (more creeping ground cover, really) and shallow rooted, with tiny straight leaves less than 10mm long and about 1mm wide. I've not been able to identify it as yet. Should have taken a photo, but it's too late now as it's all in the compost :D

I feel as though I've broken the back of the job now, which is something of a relief. Of the main beds I've done about 180 square metres, with somewhere around 50 square metres left, plus the fruit cage, the greenhouses and polytunnels, although the latter two are hardly much of a challenge. I'm not sure the weather this coming week is going to be conducive to working outdoors, but perhaps I can get the covered areas done.

Looks like we're going to need a bigger greenhouse! As no-one said in a film, ever.

I finally finished repairing the heated propagator today, which has dragged on far longer than it should have done for one reason and another. It now has space for twenty trays of seeds. I'm taking it for a test drive with some flower seeds that I've been putting off sowing for a few weeks because I didn't really have anywhere else suitable that was sufficiently warm and light. I've also sown more veggie seeds: salad crops and peas, mostly. With the exception of the propagator I am now completely out of space in the greenhouse -- I reckon I have easily over ninety trays of seeds/seedlings on the go. Fortunately some of them are now ready to go out in the polytunnel or in the main plot under fleece, but I'm not sure how much time/space that will buy me. I might have to start using space in my father-in-law's greenhouse assuming he doesn't need it :D

Apple season down here in the Apple Isle. Can anyone (apple expert or otherwise) identify this apple variety for me please from the attached photos?
I think it is a Hoary Morning from Somerset.


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This is what "A Somerset Pomona" has to say about Hoary Morning. Perhaps it might help.



Identifying apples from a book description is very tricky though. There are so many similar cultivars and depending on growing conditions the apples may not match the description particularly well anyhow. I have some Yarlington Mill trees that I do actually know are Yarlington Mill, but the apples aren't an exceptional match for their description in the book. I'd probably start from the position that if it's remotely edible then it's probably not a cider apple :D There are a few that taste ok, but most (in my experience) are too sharp or too sweet or too bitter to enjoy eating.

This is what "A Somerset Pomona" has to say about Hoary Morning. Perhaps it might help.

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Identifying apples from a book description is very tricky though. There are so many similar cultivars and depending on growing conditions the apples may not match the description particularly well anyhow. I have some Yarlington Mill trees that I do actually know are Yarlington Mill, but the apples aren't an exceptional match for their description in the book. I'd probably start from the position that if it's remotely edible then it's probably not a cider apple :D There are a few that taste ok, but most (in my experience) are too sharp or too sweet or too bitter to enjoy eating.

Crisp, dry and acidic does fit, as does the conspicuous bloom (see photos). Flattened and lopsided also seems to fit. They are on the bigger side of what they should be though. Perhaps the stronger sun here makes them grow larger?
They are not properly ripe yet but a flock of white cockatoos always come and rip the whole lot apart and off the tree in about 10 minutes - just when they get to about this stage.


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