New Bee
Hi, could anyone point me to a decent pair of gloves for a beginner ? i read a thread on here about some blue ones on Ebay but for the life of me i can't find it,
Are you referring to disposable gloves ?
Be careful if trying to compare with eBay or Amazon, t
Oh, and Bees still sting through these!
depends on your confidence level at manipulations.
I use these:
The blue nitrile ones ...
Over the top of a pair of marigolds ...
Hi, could anyone point me to a decent pair of gloves for a beginner ? i read a thread on here about some blue ones on Ebay but for the life of me i can't find it,
Very NEW as I'm yet to handle Bees, so just getting ready. To start it would be a bonus to avoid getting stung but i know its part of the course!
thanks for the reply
Hi, could anyone point me to a decent pair of gloves for a beginner ? i read a thread on here about some blue ones on Ebay but for the life of me i can't find it,
Something like this: http://www.fanevalleystores.com/product/3250803/febra-lc-long-cuff-nitrile-milking-gloves-pack-of-50
My local Fane Valley outlet has a different variety of long cuff milking gloves but in boxes of 100. They do not seem to be shown in their online store. Go for the long cuff variety - you will be glad of the ability to pull the gloves well up over your sleeves.
If you want some protection for peace of mind, get some Marigolds, but don't expect not to get stung. The more you get stung, the better you will become at handling the bees in order to avoid being stung.