Global Warming?

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I believe there must be global warming,or else we would still be frozen solid,as in the last ice age.
:iagree: BUT.......
Don't think the glaciers got this far south in the last ice age... was 10000 years before present.

No such thing as global warming, merely climate change... look up Milancovitch cycles on Google and all will be revealed!:rolleyes:
As far as I can see there are far too many vested interests involved to have any kind of useful debate on climate change now. And far too many people saying "it's happening" or "it isn't" or "it's anthropomorphic" when they don't have the scientific background to make a reasoned judgement of the raw data. Lots of people want to stick their heads in the sand, and plenty of others would appear to be keen to see panic and a return to feudalism. Certainly lots of people want to stick their heads in the sand: but there are a lot of others like me who want more rapid action now to AVOID a return to feudalism if our current society undermines itself.

As far as I've been able to find out for myself, it looks like average global temperatures are rising, and it looks like sea levels are rising too. Is it caused by humans burning fossil fuels? I really don't have the scientific background to say. That we could seems plausible, but that we're little more than a speck on the face of a planet that has had a violent existence for billions of years is also something we shouldn't lose sight of. For a long time it was considered impossible that species extinctions could be brought about by humans. Now we know we do it all the time, just by carelessness. One thing that really brought home the destructive power of humans was the hole in the ozone layer- we are the people who broke the sky!

For my own part, well, I don't particularly wish to be remembered by my children and their generation, and their children's generation, as someone who stuck two fingers up at them saying "It's not my problem anyhow" and I make my decisions accordingly. I couldn't agree more.
:No such thing as global warming, merely climate change... look up Milancovitch cycles on Google and all will be revealed!:rolleyes:

Do you think climatologists don't know about Milankovitch cycles, and haven't factored them into their calculations? It's not one or the other, it's both.

Climate change is now the preferred term for global warming, because some people found it hard to grasp the fact that the globe could be warming ON AVERAGE, and it still be chilly in Scunthorpe.
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The OH and I prefer the term Global Storming rather than Global Warming. gets across the idea of instability much better.
Today's news....

"Our biggest surprise was that the new results agreed so closely with the warming values published previously by other teams in the US and the UK," said Professor Muller.

"This confirms that these studies were done carefully and that potential biases identified by climate change sceptics did not seriously affect their conclusions."
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GLOBAL WARMING - pretty much an undisputed fact to one degree or another.

Caused by man - BULL - total and utter BULL.

Added to by man - probably, but not that it bothers China or the Yanks. If we went back to the stone age for 10 years in the UK, our efforts would be wiped out by the above in a week. Sad but true. "So I suppose you're saying that means we should not bother here in the UK" ...... sigh ....whatever...

What has had an effect and the graphs match perfectly are ...... solar flares and spikes in our global warming. So we need to turn the sun down a bit ......
Wow i only mentioned it because odd flowers had begun to flower again which in its self is unusual. Great debate.
GLOBAL WARMING - pretty much an undisputed fact to one degree or another.

Caused by man - BULL - total and utter BULL.
I don't think anyone claims it's caused by man, it's caused by the sun. Without it the earth would be an uninhabited snowball whirling silently in space - but we can nudge that effect slightly, without even trying.

Added to by man - probably, but not that it bothers China or the Yanks. If we went back to the stone age for 10 years in the UK, our efforts would be wiped out by the above in a week. Sad but true. "So I suppose you're saying that means we should not bother here in the UK" ...... sigh ....whatever... I know, it's disheartening, but someone has to take the lead if the rest are to follow; and if we're among the front runners, we stand a chance of being well positioned when the oil industry is being succeeded.

What has had an effect and the graphs match perfectly are ...... solar flares and spikes in our global warming. So we need to turn the sun down a bit ...... If only we could, that would be so much the easiest solution. As we can't, our only hope is to manage the things we can, like not increasing the greenhouse effect.

I really must do some work at some point today. :rolleyes:
someone has to take the lead if the rest are to follow; :

Very true.
As Storm says, China and the US are the major contributors, but we should also consider the vast majority of the developing world (particularly India and Brazil) who, when we preach to them about limiting emissions will quite rightly say 'after you'. Without a guiding example they will be the major polluters of tomorrow.
Interesting interpretation, suggesting that my post was either misread, misunderstood, or the meaning just not comprehended at all!
Not even I can fail to understand playground adjectives and silly invented buzz words !
Still it does serve to mask the lack of reasoned argument :(
I see the point in being an "example" for others to follow ..... the incentive being? There really is none other than a moral one. By showing faith in renewable energy we can be forerunners. Unfortunately all we have available to us is reactors HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...... and windfarms and solar parks. All of which require land or our seas. And the NIMBY's will fight it tooth and nail until there is no other option. Land, because we are a gnats chuff of an island is unfortunately a limited resource for us. Unless we acquire land by compulsory purchase. Which I am sure will come. Our government whoever that will be by that time will no doubt bleat about global warming as an excuse and imply that whoever refuses is irresponsible and an enemy of the state.

We will be the forerunners because of the lack of land, not as a flagship of moral responsibility. An unpopular course for any government to take. Wonder why we are cosying up to oil rich countries now. Or why we fought tooth and nail for a some nothing islands not too far away from the only untapped resource left on the planet. The falklands will be a handy little staging post for that operation should we ever revoke mineral rich Antarctica's national park status. Course in order to protect the shipping lanes back and forth from the Falklands we would need what we always need to protect shipping lanes. A hidden threat, submarines. Lucky we didnt spend bucket loads on a new sub fleet then eh

The US, China, Russia and to some extent Europe do not have this issue to worry about just yet. So Yep we are leading the way through circumstance not through choice. Its not about global warming, its about securing a future of self sufficiency and survival. And we as the cash cows will foot the bill as long as we keep mooing. In the guise of taxes - change a tyre in an MOT - environmental levy, utility bills, climate levy, get rid of a battery, climate levy. Taxes. Keep Britain mooing will be the governments new slogan.
Keep Britain mooing will be the governments new slogan.

see the bee is backbee-smilliebee-smilliebee-smillie

a winter of discontent on the way to be sure... eat the cash cows now!

I just love these arguments:)

Yes the The Last ice Age Glaciers extended as far as London.. hence the huge clay beds through which the Underground runs..

As far as GW models allowing for cycles, the last excuse for the Met Office getting their 6 month forecasts wrong is that the Sun Cycles affect UV radiation..

(When I ran a business, we did 5 year forecasts. If you could not get the next 6 months roughly right, then it was bleeding obvious you could not get 5 years even 50% right.. The Met Office did a 100 year forecast.!! And published it..the action of muppets as anyone could see the derision they were inviting - except the MO themselves).

It's rather obvious oil and gas supplies are not infinite, are declining - no MAJOR oil finds for 30 years) - and prices are rising. So sensible people look for alternatives. The more extreme sceptics pooh pooh that idea. !

I happen to think the more extreme parties on either side are just as bad as each other:
the Pro man made warming lot for their lies, extremism and exaggerations.
and the antis for their lies, extremism and exaggeration.

Global warming - man made or not is obviously factual...Recent geology proves it..

Man Made ? Dunno..
Well of course its man made. Thats obvious to everyone but a complete *****. Because if you say its man made, you can blame it on man, and then you can convince man to pay for it to fix it. If its natural well there is nothing you can make anyone do is there...... moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Caused by man - BULL - total and utter BULL. I don't think anyone claims it's caused by man, it's caused by the sun. Without it the earth would be an uninhabited snowball whirling silently in space - but we can nudge that effect slightly, without even trying.

Well of course its man made. Thats obvious to everyone but a complete *****. Because if you say its man made, you can blame it on man, and then you can convince man to pay for it to fix it. If its natural well there is nothing you can make anyone do is there...... moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

As I said.... :banghead:
Not even I can fail to understand playground adjectives and silly invented buzz words !
Still it does serve to mask the lack of reasoned argument :(

Actually Vic, you should read the post again- I think you took the reverse of the meaning.
Global Warming is real.

Science News Blog Cite Save Email Print Share Cooling the Warming Debate: Major New Analysis Confirms That Global Warming Is Real

Wow i only mentioned it because odd flowers had begun to flower again which in its self is unusual. Great debate.

:biggrinjester:Microscopists CAN see the BIGGER picture then!:biggrinjester:

:rolleyes:The present, as in before present was 1950, but 100 years before the present the industrial revolution started, and since the date 100 years before present, and up to the present present it seems that carbon dioxide levels have increased, possibly having an anthropological cause?
How then in words of one syllable is that explained away!???:eek:

Climate change?

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