GCSE results.

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Well done Ben, great results. I'm currently nursing a wooly head after celebrating my daughter's results last night

Yeah, the little village of Aups didn't know what had hit them when my family descended on a joint celebration (for both my Dad's birthday and the results) last night!!!

Ben P
I really think you should have tried harder. Then you could have got all A*s

Very well done.
Nice one, Ben. What's next? College? Uni? Gap year beekeeping in Tibet?
Brilliant, Ben, but you do know we'd all have thought just as much of you if you'd bombed, don't you? Book-learning isn't everything! All credit to you, all the same, for your efforts.
My sincere congratulations Ben and from Hombre too.

Don't let Happiness's father catch you on cloud 9 with his daughter though . . .

I agree with PeterS, your beekeeping knowledge and activities will be a differentiator that will allow you to stand out from your peers when it comes to University application time.

Good luck in all you choose to do in life. Enjoy. :party:

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