Full super weights

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Black Comb

Queen Bee
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Hive Type
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From this forum and other sources I have the following weights.
If anyone thinks they are wrong please advise.
All approx.

National 25lbs
WBC 22lbs
Smith 25lbs
14 x 12 25 lbs
Commercial nat super 25 lbs
Commercial commercial super 32lbs
Langstroth 30 lbs
Dadant 40 lbs

Full Langstroth 10 frames 25 kg = 50 lbs

Medium super ="low Langstroth" = 16 kg = 32 lbs, 8 frames in 9 frame box.

..........Extracted honey
Err I'm not sure.

I've picked this up from all sorts of sources but there is nothing to indicate whether honey, honey + frames or honey + frames + box.

Personally I would like to know the latter, as it will be useful in future for assessing different hive types (assuming cedar hives).
Of course the the weight is full honey and the box+frames weight after extraction. It depends much on the temp of the honey how well the honey comes out in extraction. The combs has allways a film of honey inside.

Otherwise the weight makes no sence.

I can evaluate my hives yield when I have seen inside how full they are. Capped langstroth 25 kg and 15 kg capped medium. It is quite accurate. In late summer frames are not full.


Polyhive box is 1 kg and wooden box is about 7-9 kg.

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Polyhive box is 1 kg and wooden box is about 7-9 kg.

Wooden box if cedar, is 2.5kg for shallow super.
3kg for brood box.

Regards full weight of national shallow super,depends also on what spacing is being used,narrow spacing around 25lbs of honey,wide spacing over 30lbs,32lbs.
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Don't know weights exactly but I do know that I can get 25 lb jars of honey from one national super.

Ben P
I agree with Ben, I think the weights declared are honey (net) not super (gross). A full national super on 9 frames yields circa 25-27 lb in my neck of the woods. R
Don't know weights exactly but I do know that I can get 25 lb jars of honey from one national super.

Ben P

It depends how much you extract at one time.
A big amount of honey will be needed to greese all surfaces of handling process.


My friend had extracted in cool room. It seemed that half of honey was stil lin in cells.

When I extract, I try to get 200 kg to be extracted. It needs quite much hives.

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I noticed also that drone comb clears more effectively than worker comb, although this might be a slightly skewed observation due to the temperature at different extracting sessions.
New white just drawn combs are soft and they cannot be extrcated with such speed like one or twice brooded. If it dry weather, hoey may be very sticky. Often sticky honey must be gived back to bees that I do not brake combs.

However to me capped medium 15 kg and langstroth 25 are good estimates.

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