just pinched this from a web site
Which frames will fit my hive?
Let?s start with the easiest ones.
The Langstroth hive. In the brood body, you have two options, depending on the depth of your brood body. For the standard brood body, 9 7/16? deep, it will be the Langstroth deep frame. For the jumbo brood body, 11 ?? deep, it?s the Langstroth Jumbo frame.
In the super, you also have two options. One is the Langstroth shallow frame. All of the three types mentioned are the Hoffman pattern. This means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top and so is self spacing. The second option for the super is the Langstroth Manley frame. These have sidebars, which are wide all the way down, and uncapping is perhaps easier.
The Dadant Hive In the brood body, you use the Dadant Deep Frame.
In the super, you have two options. One is the Dadant shallow frame. Both of these types are the Hoffman pattern. This means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top and so is self-spacing. The second option for the super is the Dadant Manley frame. These have sidebars, which are wide all the way down, and uncapping is perhaps easier.
Commercial Hive In the Brood Body you use the Commercial Deep frame, also called 16? x 10?.
In the super, you have two options. One is the Commercial shallow frame, also called 16? x 6?. Both of these types are the Hoffman pattern. This means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top and so is self-spacing. The second option for the super is the Commercial Manley frame, also called 16? x 6? Manley. These have side bars, which are wide all the way down, and uncapping is perhaps easier.
A tad more complicated are the other three hive designs.
Smith Hive. In the brood body, you have five options, depending on the depth of your brood body and your preferred method of spacing. For the standard brood body, 8 7/8?? deep, it will usually be the DN4 Smith frame. Alternatively you could use the DN5 Smith Frame ? these are the same as DN4 but with a slightly wider and stronger top bar. For the 14? x 12? brood body, 12.5? deep, it?s the 14? x 12? Smith frame. . All of these three types are the Hoffman pattern. This means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top and so is self-spacing. If you like to space your frames using either metal or plastic ends or castellated spacers, you can use the DN1 Smith frame or the DN2 Smith frame which have the wider and stronger top bar. The side bars on the last two are narrow all the way down.
In the super, you have five options. Firstly there is the SN4 Smith frame. Alternatively there is the SN5 Smith with the slightly wider and stronger top bars. These two are both the Hoffman type as explained above. Another option for the super is the Smith Manley frame. These have side bars, which are wide all the way down, and uncapping is perhaps easier. Then there is the SN1 Smith frame or the SN2 frame. Both are the same as the DN1 or DN2 but have the shorter side bar.
The option of the wider top bars cuts down on brace comb.
We would recommend either the Hoffman or Manley type of frames for the Smith hive. The lugs are quite short and therefore it is not easy to use spacers.
National Hive In the brood body, you have five options, depending on the depth of your brood body and your preferred method of spacing.
For the standard brood body, 8 7/8?? deep, it will usually be the DN1 frame. Alternatively you could use the DN2 Frame ? these are the same as DN1 but with a slightly wider and stronger top bar. These two types have narrow side bars all the way down so require spacers, either plastic or metal ends or castellated spacers. Alternatively, there are two self-spacing versions, the DN4 and the DN5. Both have the Hoffman side bars, which means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top. The DN5 has a wider and stronger top bar than the DN4.
For the 14? x 12? brood body, 12.5? deep, it?s the 14? x 12? frame.
In the super, you have five options. It will usually be the SN1 frame. Alternatively you could use the SN2 Frame ? these are the same as SN1 but with a slightly wider and stronger top bar. These two types have narrow side bars all the way down so require spacers, either plastic or metal ends or castellated spacers. Alternatively, there are two self-spacing versions, the SN4 and the SN5. Both have the Hoffman side bars, which means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top. The SN5 has a wider and stronger top bar than the SN4. Another option for the super is the BS Manley frame. These have side bars, which are wide all the way down, and uncapping is perhaps easier.
WBC Hive In the brood body, you have five options, depending on the depth of your brood body and your preferred method of spacing. For the standard brood body, 8 7/8?? deep, it will usually be the DN1 frame. Alternatively you could use the DN2 Frame ? these are the same as DN1 but with a slightly wider and stronger top bar. These two types have narrow side bars all the way down so require spacers, either plastic or metal ends or castellated spacers.
Alternatively, there are two self-spacing versions, the DN4 and the DN5. Both have the Hoffman side bars, which means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top. The DN5 has a wider and stronger top bar than the DN4.
For the 14? x 12? brood body, 12.5? deep, it?s the 14? x 12? frame.
In the super, you have five options. It will usually be the SN1 frame. Alternatively you could use the SN2 Frame ? these are the same as SN1 but with a slightly wider and stronger top bar. These two types have narrow side bars all the way down so require spacers, either plastic or metal ends or castellated spacers. Alternatively, there are two self-spacing versions, the SN4 and the SN5. Both have the Hoffman side bars, which means that the side bar is narrow at the bottom, has a shoulder in the centre so that it is wider at the top. The SN5 has a wider and stronger top bar than the SN4. Another option for the super is the BS Manley frame. These have side bars which are wide all the way down and uncapping is perhaps easier.