New Bee
So, I've almost made it one year with my single hive of Italian bees! I have a question for the experienced Beeks... I opened my hive this week for the first time since November, and my marked queen was nowhere to be found, and I have a new queen. The last time I spotted the red painted queen, was late August last year, when I did a varroa wash. I never saw any queen cells in the hive. My question is.... will they still swarm in your opinion? I live in US, northern CA. The blossoms are just exploding right now, and my hive is doing great, with one 'Medium Super' with all 10 frames of honey. In the brood box there are eggs, and larvae at varying stages, with pollen, honey, and nectar aplenty. I placed an excluder amd added a second medium super. I'm getting a nuc of bees in April, and I wanted to split this one but I'm not sure if I should, given there are no queen cells, but maybe the girls might still make some soon? I'm so nervous to try splitting, I don't want to make a mistake.