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I think I know what you are talking about, but why the thread title "forum header"'?

I expect I am being thick........
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Good on you Admin. I like a bit of patrioticness!!! Not a word but who cares!!!
i think its good for everyone after the doom and gloom at the moment

Ah, a comedian.

What difference does it make if a couple of these people get married? Who cares?

And despite us all being in it together, according to Cameron, I don't suppose they're paying for all the bloody security, are they?
Good on you Admin. I like a bit of patrioticness!!! Not a word but who cares!!!

Yes, for a family that is a figurehead of bygone days and a church that has no place in the vast majority of citizens, yet is still the official religion.

Some in-bred Greco-German unit that is as 'royal' as you or I, yet afforded great freedoms, not to mention money and an inordinate amount of column inches each time one of them has a bowel movement.
Yes, for a family that is a figurehead of bygone days and a church that has no place in the vast majority of citizens, yet is still the official religion.

Some in-bred Greco-German unit that is as 'royal' as you or I, yet afforded great freedoms, not to mention money and an inordinate amount of column inches each time one of them has a bowel movement.

I take it you're Not a royalist then! Ha ha
Ah, a comedian.

What difference does it make if a couple of these people get married? Who cares?

And despite us all being in it together, according to Cameron, I don't suppose they're paying for all the bloody security, are they?

I wish them all the best the same as I wish any couple just getting married. It isnt easy and personally I reckon its harder for those in the line light.

It makes no more difference when anyone else gets married royalty or commoner, however it has proved a good way to get people together. With regards to the cost of security, yes we pay in our taxes but income comes from the visitors buying things when they come to see the queen, helping to give us jobs and ultimately the money to pay our taxes. stop being such a sober sobs, taxes have been around for centuries so we may as well get used to them.

Does it matter who said we are all in it together . . . we are, well apart from the big tax dodging watsits, they are the ones you make millions out of us and put small businesses out of business then keep their money off shore.

any way all that aside I thought it was a good day yesterday and anyone who doesnt want to be part of UK and have a royalty should move out or be quite. Sure there are other places you could live!!!
Well said Milkermel, England at her best no where in the world can they come up to us God Bless William & Kate.:hurray::hurray::hurray::party:
The americans would give anything for that spectacle yesterday.

The old buildings the guards and the royal family.
You cant buy that...

Thats what puts the great in Britain,even if the goverments do sometimes try to put us to shame by telling us we are one Europe and not one Island.

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