There is a steep learning curve in the use of formic,mainly loss of older queens if you don't get it right,especially with the flash treatments.
There are various evaporators available,like nassenhieder for example,but the mitaway II pads are no longer made by NOD as far as i know,the new product is MAQ's,but not yet available in this country,and there is a supplier on the south coast when they do become available.
Albion chemicals in Bristol sell food grade formic suitable for treating,85% then dilute as required.
This from a previous post on the forum..........................
MAQS™ - Next Generation Varroa Treatment
NOD Apiary Products - Real control for the Varroa Mite.
September 16, 2009 10:27 PM
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MAQS™ Apimondia - English Press Release
September 16, 2009 9:38 PM
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NOD Apiary Products introduced MAQS™ - The “Mite Away Quick Strip™” to the world on September 16th in Montpellier France at the 41st Congress of Apimondia.
MAQS™ is the first truly new Varroa treatment in many years. Many beekeepers have been forced by this lack of available and innovative treatments to rely on using chemical treatments that have not only been hurting their bees but contaminating wax and honey.
MAQS™ moves a giant step forward by allowing beekeepers to not only treat DURING the honey flow BUT to target the Varroa directly were they live and breed. The MAQS™ is a single application treatment The treatment period is only seven days, and upon completion the spent strip can either be left in the hive for disposal by the bees or can simply be thrown into the compost. It is 100% compostable.
MAQS™ has been shown to be exceptionally effective in killing Varroa under worker brood cap - while they are either being born or mating BUT doing this without causing any significant damage to the pupating larva.
Trials have been conducted in Canada, Hawaii, Florida, Texas and three sites in France.
MAQS™ is a new formulation of Formic Acid and is “Patent Pending”. Each MAQS™ strip is less than 6mm/ 1/4” thick so that it fits easily into the bee space. Each treatment consists of two strips placed either between brood chambers or on top between brood and honey supers. No additional equipment is required and excellent efficacy has been obtained in temperatures up to 33C/92F.
Product will be available in January/February 2010 for general distribution as registrations are obtained.