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Never was any other way - the piscine equivalent to battery hens.
Unlike wild salmon who have ranged the oceans and fought every way to the estuary then, as they go off feeding, burning off every ounce of fat battling upstream, farmed salmon just sit in their cages get pumped full of antibiotics and other chemicals to battle sealice (as well as artificial colouring to get the meat pink) fed to them in their oily fishmeal pellets.
Salmon farming is extremely damaging to wild fish stocks as the 'cheap' food they are fed is produced by harvesting thousands of tons of 'off quota' fish such as sand eels (the staple diet of wild salmon and seatrout) thus causing a famine in the natural salmonid environment.
The massive concentration of sea louse spawn and adult lice deposited under the cages infest wild salmonid stocks compromising their health and breeding capabilities.
It also causes massive damage to the local eco system as the tons of toxic filth which is deposited under the farm cages is unbelievable,
IMHO everyone should boycott supermarket salmon.

Sorry I thought you were taking about salmon in your post, not all possible fish available.
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Is it worth the damage though?
We eat too much meat/fish. My husband is a case in point. His evening meal is not a meal unless it contains meat. For me it's a once or twice weekly treat

That is another discussion altogether. From my limited knowledge I would probably say it is not. But I believe the fish husbandry has improved on these farms somewhat (but unlike most people I admit my lack of up to date knowledge so could not be sure).
Mullet is a very nice fish once you get rid of the bones

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Sorry I thought you were taking about salmon in your post, not all possible fish available.

But you as usual try and twist things by bringing wild salmon into the debate, which is a totally different concern.
Back to your old tricks again beebot in the absence of your wingman or what?
Mullet is a very nice fish once you get rid of the bones

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As a child of two Polish parents I can tell you one fish that is completely, utterly, no matter what you do with it uneatable is......................PIKE!
caught loads of pike but never fancied one to eat although the French go mad for them
As a child of two Polish parents I can tell you one fish that is completely, utterly, no matter what you do with it uneatable is......................PIKE!

While I was having time for fishing I mainly was after pike. Mainly on Danube I went fishing. There is difference, pikes " of sand" are far tastier than from lake/pond with lot of mud.

Pike and zander I liked to fish and like to eat.
caught loads of pike but never fancied one to eat although the French go mad for them

Very popular in Holland as well - was tempted to try it when working out there commissioning the Searcher (did you see her on Countryfile tonight) but didn't in the end as I don't believe in wasting a pleasant evening at a good restaurant eating fish :D
Dogfish, no shortage of them... and good to eat.

Boarded a fishing vessel way out from Weymouth a while ago when setting up the olympic security. The hold was jam packed full of dogfish and we found it strange they were heading away from port not towards - skipper said they were struggling to make a living what with overfishing and and over zealous enforcing of the various quotas, dogfish was plentiful and off quota but prices were ridiculously low in the UK - being bought for lobster pot bait.
The answer was simple they'd had a good and reasonably easy day doggie bashing, filled the hold and were now en route to France where they would sell the fish at top dollar, go on the screaming toot in la belle France, have a leisurely sail back and a hard days fishing for more UK attractive fish (but less quantity), the French profits subsidising the disappointing homeward catch.
That'll all change come Brexit :)
Dogfish, no shortage of them... and good to eat.

Best chippie in London was in West Street Carshalton... Rock and chips was Fridays treat!.... cooked in lard !

And I have never eaten better eels than at Tubby Isscacs up the Angel... or rollmops and raw red onion salad at Moisher Goldbergs Kosher cafe in Hatton Garden!!

Now I have to suffer pasties!

Yeghes da
Best chippie in London was in West Street Carshalton... Rock and chips was Fridays treat!.... cooked in lard !

And I have never eaten better eels than at Tubby Isscacs up the Angel... or rollmops and raw red onion salad at Moisher Goldbergs Kosher cafe in Hatton Garden!!

Now I have to suffer pasties!

Yeghes da

Is that the one on the triangle green near Carshalton college? I used to buy chips and batter pieces, drenched in vinegar and salt, there every Tuesday when on day release at the college doing computer science as it was called back then in 1982/83 while I was at school at Stanley park high school.

I think it cost no more than 20p at the time.
Agree but we could not supply the supermarket with enough wild salmon so it would only be for the well off.

I don't buy farmed salmon due to the fact they are allowed to shoot seals when there is no need if they invested in double nets.
But you as usual try and twist things by bringing wild salmon into the debate, which is a totally different concern.
Back to your old tricks again beebot in the absence of your wingman or what?

Simply inaccurate - if you read your post talked about wild and farmed salmon.
If you think my post was off topic then almost every thread would end after a few posts.
Simply inaccurate - if you read your post talked about wild and farmed salmon.

yes, and the fact that rather than helping the survival of the wild salmon industrial scale farming of captive salmon is actually a big factor in their decline - not inaccurate but hard and proven fact.
Perch are supposed to be good to eat. Although, if I ever caught a specimen perch, it would be a crime to kill it.

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