flowers in bloom

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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Here on the IOW the flowers are starting to pop up :hurray:
Lots of little snow drops in bloom and also crocuses in bloom.

Hows it looking local to you ?
All the flowers are hiding under umbrellas at the moment as it is chucking it down but there were snowdrops coming up in a local wood yesterday and our pond has 3 lots of frog spawn in it - which is a good month later than the earliest record here.
Willow tree in next doors garden about to burst into flower. Its usually in full bloom around 10th Feb. Alittle late this year after the cold snap. Winter aconites not out yet also late...
Lots of snow drops in bloom and also crocuses here in the North West
North Cornwall has been chilly. Top temp I have seen in the last two weeks was last night at 10 degrees. But it has been dropping last week to minus 3 at worst. and it has been drizzle for this week.

Plants that are starting are - Daffodils are coming up, crocus, hyacinths, and bluebells. No flowers as yet but it wont be long.

Trees - willow working at it reckon another week or so, cherry the same, Mulberry tree is coming to life, the rest are dormant. Shoots seen on the Holly, but thats about it atm.
Aconites,snowdrops and hazel all out here. Bluebells and daffs on the way.
Pussy willow has some way to go still.
All my Hellebores are in bloom as is the mahonia and the winter honeysuckle.
It's beautiful day. 10˚ outside and wall to wall sunshine. I might just take a cup of tea out to the apiary :)
Daffs are up just waiting on them .It's 11c today and wet but the temps don't look like they will drop much for the next 5 days (local weather, hmm)
In the sub tropical Tamar Valley
we have snowdrops, daffodils,
primroses and hellebores out in flower,
the hazel and willow are
starting to drop pollen all over my car

I even have a strawberry in flower ( tho thats in an unheated greenhouse... and the rhubarb is ready for a first picking!)

Roll on Summer!
London is an 'orrible drizzly mess; I miss having hellebores, the winter jasmine is only just starting to flower, the snowdrops are growing and growing without any flowers, the bees have not found the hazel tree laden with catkins, and I am sick. Snuffle, snort, hack, cough, groan.

Mustn't grumble :(
Crocus, Snowdrops, and lots of green shoots pushing through.
I have:
Crocus, Snowdrops, some Hellebore, Mahonia, Winter flowering Honeysuckle, Cyclamen and a few primroses.
crocus, aconite and snowdrops in flower, hazel in garden been and gone!
a bit behind normal years, Hazel just coming in, and bees not very active , but a bit more than the neighbours :angelsad2:
that hazel looks as if it has already shed it's pollen in the recent high winds, MM
On the one sunny day where warmth crept through, the noise of bees on the heather and snowdrops was amazing.

But crocus still only just showing leaf- way behind- suits me though 'cos they will be useful when the weather improves.
Mahonia ?? finished in December - about to prune back.

Will someone stop doing that b.....y rain dance !!:rant:
Here in Eastbourne we had a beautiful sunny day on Tuesday and suddenly the crocuses were all popping up and opening out. The bees however were concentrating on the snowdrops

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