First winter

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New Bee
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
Hive Type
Hi all

So this is my first winter bee keeping, I have 2 hives one is a 2019 nuc other is an established 2018 hive.

Few things I’ve noticed and just wanted to run past you all. Both hives going in to winter had over 8 frames of capped honey in bb, I added fondant to both just to be on the safe side. The 2019 hive has been taking the fondant all winter and now in warmer days they are out foraging and bringing back pollen so I guess the queen is laying already, But the 2018 hive hasn’t touched the fondant at all and they aren’t out on warmer days that I’ve noticed. They have also been down at the bottom of the frames most of the winter, I’ve stuck my camera under the hive and can see them in there moving about and are very active inside. I have also noticed that a few of the, have started to move up the frames as I can see them through the crown board.

Jut wanted to check that’s all pretty normal? I know every hive is different so just want some reassurance.

Also I want to relocate the hives slightly this year as I’m adding another 2 so need to rotate them 180 degrees, when is the best time of year to do this?

Thanks all!

All normal. To rotate then move a max of 20 .degrees each sunny flying day.
Have a look at my blog on this site if you don't get the bbka magazine. You might find a few useful things there but please amend it to suit you as we all use different methods.
I would be trying to taper the feeding off now if the hives have any weight to them