First try

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Field Bee
Mar 25, 2017
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
20+ nucs
I made up my q- starter finisher colony yesterday
I grafted my first 10 cellcups today nervously I hope a few come trough..
Gonna put them in a egg incubator on the 10th day or should I put them in nucs at this stage , what's best ?
I couldn't find any pollen sub to add to hive as its sold out in Ireland at the moment
I did add a good frame of pollen to CB
Also added few pints of light syrup should I continue to feed well for next few days ?
I feed syrup daily no more than 250mls at a time..Or frames get clogged up with it . Stop feeding when QCs are capped.. unless I am going to put cells in incubator and try another batch
How long does a pollen frame stay fresh out of a hive?
How long does a pollen frame stay fresh out of a hive?

Sorry I can’t help there but I put pollen frames in the freezer. I gave a swarm a frame of pollen labelled 2014 a few days ago and they haven’t thrown the pollen out
I have read, do not know where, but will be one of the texts, that pollen frozen for a year, loses 50% of its nutrient value
First thing you should do is check on success 24hrs after grafting, gives you the chance to top up any failures ASAP don’t wait the week. It’s an advantage of grafting. Ian
First thing you should do is check on success 24hrs after grafting, gives you the chance to top up any failures ASAP don’t wait the week. It’s an advantage of grafting. Ian

So true.

I am teaching myself how to graft:

check next day, remove failed cups and holders, regraft into fresh cups in old holders the next day.. and repeat until I get better..

(based on results so far it is arithmetically impossible to get worse..:paparazzi: )
First thing you should do is check on success 24hrs after grafting, gives you the chance to top up any failures ASAP don’t wait the week. It’s an advantage of grafting. Ian
I will take a look tomorrow and graft whatever has failed hopefully not the lot
Well guys there drawing out four cells so I'm happy to see that ,I also took the bottom bar out and grafted five more

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