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Queen Bee
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wiltshire, Somerset, S Glos & S Oxfordshire
Hive Type
For all those new beekeepers looking to expand to an out-apiary, or a beekeeper who needs a location as they don't have a garden, let me share this with you.

I used to keep bees in the Stroud Valleys, and due to demand for the honey produced from there (I moved away about 6 years ago) I recently thought it would be nice to locate a hive or two there again. Unfortunately, I can't use my old site due to the farmers daughter getting the grump on about the bees 'bothering' her when she was out and about (sunbathing)

(Believe me, not even a blind donkey would bother her, having fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...but that's another story)

Anyway, I decided to take a punt and use my membership of the local 'freegle' website.

For those who don't know about it, it used to be called Freecycle, you can join via the yahoo groups need a yahoo email, and then search for your local sites (eg Chippenham/Swindon)

Once you have applied, you may be fortunate in that your local freegle might have a 'cafe' site that is part of it, but for other requests, not usually swapping/giving things away.

Put your request on there and sit back and wait. Be very specific about the site you want. For instance I said I only wanted an apiary location in the bottom of the valleys, be specific about access, numbers of hives you want to keep there and so on. I entitled mine 'Needed - sites for beehives in Stroud'

Well, I have been inundated in the past 12 hours.:coolgleamA: I can't keep up !

Good luck....a good location at the bottom of a garden that will cause the owners no issues is better than an allottment (vandalism & theft) or a site in view of a road. Just remember to agree the 'rent' !

Good luck

I have a friend who has a farm near Stroud(just taken it on) and he was asking me to put bees in for him but I live to far away, I can put you in touch if you like.

Thats a real shame some fugly farmers daughter spoilt things, probably wasn't even bees that were bothering her more like dung flies!
Farmers land if secure seems to be a good place to start looking for hive locations, they seem to understand that the bees will benefit them to. Have also founf that having a good relationship with said farmer means you get told when and what he is putting on his crops so you can prepare. I have been ultra lucky in that his wife took up bee keeping when i did and needless to say if the crops are sprayed with something that harms her bees then he will have the worlds biggest flee in his ear.
There are quite a few people who are interested in keeping bees, have suitable apiary sites but not quite ready to take sole responsibility so using Freegle seems a really good idea to put people in touch. The main address where you can locate your local freegle group is
Unfortunately, I can't use my old site due to the farmers daughter getting the grump on about the bees 'bothering' her when she was out and about (sunbathing)

(Believe me, not even a blind donkey would bother her, having fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down...but that's another story)


This sort of rhetoric is reprehensible!

That is really useful to know. I have been so frustrated about approaching different people and places for help in hosting out-apiaries. I've often wondered how on earth it's done - I prepared little presentations, I got to know people, I tried educating (even a horticulturalist in charge of an arboretum at a local graveyard was totally unaware of the benefit of bees); all to no avail - people just can't seem to overcome their fear of beestings, and the idea of "killer bees".

So this is a really useful option. Thank you.
I tried 'freegle' but the moderators decided to deny my advert.....apparently the web site is about minimising landfill and so they didn't allow it!!


Full of 'knit your own yoghurt' types if you ask me.
The moderators in my area advised me to use their "cafe" for requests or discussions about things which were not physical objects to give or receive.

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