Fastest payment of an invoice?

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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fernhurst Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
I have just been doing my invoicing for October. I just emailed one of my clients at 1851hrs with their invoice and they emailed back at 1855 to say it had been paid!
What is the fastest you have had in invoice paid?
delivered an order at my local stock feed store, by the time I'd picked up a few items I needed, she'd taken the invoice out of the box, picked up her smartphone and wired the money over
Just thought about it.
When I was involved in contracting we were given a contract for about £450k in October which due to weather conditions we could not carry out until May. Unfortunately due to the client being bought out they had to spend the money before the end of the financial year in March so they transferred the money into our account 3 months before we completed the work. My partner and I were tempted to empty the bank account and disappear to the Caribbean!
At the other end of the spectrum, a good friend had his customer refuse to pay his invoice until his customer had been paid by his customer. Words [strong] were had on the error of their ways.
Been there, in the construction industry it's not uncommon to have to wait 60 or even 90days for payment.
One customer even had 60days written in the contract -so we just upped the price on further contracts. When he asked why the prices had increased and we explained he didn't think it was unreasonable but reverted to 30days to get the cheaper price on future contracts!
I think supermarkets are some of the worst for extended payments to their suppliers.