I've voiced my worries about many internet organisations having "too much" information on all of us, IF Facebook allowed anyone on the net to view such things as company or club sites without "joining" then I'd have far less of a quibble with them, as it is people will use them for "club" and other sites and essentially preclude people like me from using them which shows that Facebook "have an agenda" (they want to force everyone to join, essentially to push the value of their company up)
I'm deeply suspicious at the potential of harm from the omnipotent Google, and dislike Yahoo as intensely as Facebook (and Flickr), as they are just as intent on coercing our membership........
I'm passionate about the good that the internet can do, but feel that this coercion is totally against the spirit of the freedom of the net..... there ARE perfectly good other ways to disseminate information to all and sundry using the net....