End of hols... Depressed

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End of Christmas hols... Back to school tomorrow. Hate it.

Ben P

Your depressed, we was basking or may be baking in 40c on friday to come back to this weather.

Ben my misses sits on the other side of the desk in the class and she knows all about depresion, just the thought of a load of sixth formers does it for her.
I was a teacher and I felt exactly the same at term start...imagine that...a teacher with feeling too!
I don't hate school as such, in fact I like the school that I am at. But, I do hate the end of the christmas period drifting into the return to school and the long, dark months of Jan and Feb. No bees, no cricket, stuying for summer exams... Not good.

Ben P
I don't hate school as such, in fact I like the school that I am at. But, I do hate the end of the christmas period drifting into the return to school and the long, dark months of Jan and Feb. No bees, no cricket, stuying for summer exams... Not good.

Ben P

I hated school with a passion. I even went to the school I wanted to, but I loathed every minute.

That said, I didn't hate learning (much of which you don't do in school in any case) and once I surprised myself at O levels, stuck around and kept going. Had I been able to fund an arts doctorate, I'd have been there, but there you go.

So what is it you are studying and what do you hope to do?

If you know, that is.
"Do they still teach that lie in school?"

i suppose there is always the alternative of a McJob or perhaps lounging life away in front of jeremy kyle at taxpayer expense.

school is a necessary evil. make the best of opportunities.
Life plan....in the January Doldrums

"school is a necessary evil. make the best of opportunities.

An evil ? I hate to think of the alternatives - child slave labour, child poverty, exploitation etc. We should be proud of our schooling in the UK - we are in the top 10% in the world, and that is an achievement.

If only it was drummed into us how well off we are at an early age, we might just enjoy and appreciate school a bit more.

Ben - we all get down in the sumps mate, but get this - after 2 weeks off work over Christmas, I was actually aching to get back into the swing of things, and that's not just because it pays the bills, I actually enjoy my job.

I thought about leaving school at 16, then again at 18 after 5 A Levels, then I did 2 degrees in 4 years (BSc and MSc) and it got me into a really good graduate training scheme in retail.

However.....education for the sake of it is not the be all and end all....learn to take part in team sports, associations (why not become an officer of your local BBKA, if not already?!) Join something that gives something back to the community (I did St John Ambulance as it not only taught me 1st aid but also meant I could go on 'patrol' with a landrover at motocrosses....then did the TA for 5 years at uni (recon unit using landrovers....see a theme here ?:hurray:)

Do something that stretches you personally - a pal of mine walked from John'O'Groats to Lands End and sailed to the Azores and ran the london marathon all in one year to get into the RAF to show determination and fitness...

...oh and learn to enjoy reading, read everything you can get your hands on, current affairs in a quality paper, novels, history, general knowledge.....and it will help your speaking ability !

Chin up, we all get a bit down this time of year, have a plan and see it through. Best of luck.

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I left school at the tender age of 15 years and started work down a coal mine as a haulage hand ! (nothing unique about that for the area of my birth) It was a dirty highly dangerous job for men, it was even more so for boys as they were given the low paid but necessary job of running the haulage! This involved working with steel ropes and chains , in the dark save for a cap lamp . having to contend with overseers who would restart the rope races if in their opinion they had been stopped long enough !!. Many a boy badly injured by such practices :mad:.
At 17 years I joined the Royal Air Force , I saw a bit of the world ,received the apprenticeship I had been promised by the NCB (just didn't happen),This set me up for life :).

So young man ,my advice would be, get the most out of your formative years ,make them work for you . You'll have time aplenty in the future to take stock and reflect on decisions you make now ;-)

John Wilkinson
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it's easy to be in top 10% when most of rest of countries can't even muster clean running water.

Not so good up against just the big boys though:


Education helps provide clean running water !

A will to learn will help even the poorest man build a home, feed his family and provide an income

I appreciate the OECD figures, but it is gratifying that if it were not due to the British and other european Empires, the rest of the world would probably not be where it is today....India, Brazil and China included in that. Go East young man and seek your fortune !

First day back not too bad at all... Had indoor cricket nets and unveiled my new bat (a Christmas prezzie).

Also found out that I had got a good score in my GCSE English coursework...

Ben P
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I appreciate the OECD figures, but it is gratifying that if it were not due to the British and other european Empires, the rest of the world would probably not be where it is today

I agree,they would not be kind of, up the creek without a paddle,they would of remained happy and most likely pollution free.
it's easy to be in top 10% when most of rest of countries can't even muster clean running water.

Ah, but to quote a conservation officer/consultant I met recently: "It's amazing. We spend all this time, energy and money to create high quality drinking water to be piped into every home and workplace. And then we **** in it."

I'm with him, but haven't the space for a composting toilet in my garden, but if I had a large garden, I would have one.

After all, I could use the compost at the allotment and then tell the outlaws when they come round: "Yeah, we used all our own veggies to make dinner tonight. And shall I tell you what they were grown in...?"
I appreciate the OECD figures, but it is gratifying that if it were not due to the British and other european Empires, the rest of the world would probably not be where it is today

Yes, and think of all those indigenous cultures destroyed through greed, pox and religious mania. Wouldn't it have been a great place? So diverse...
First day back not too bad at all... Had indoor cricket nets and unveiled my new bat (a Christmas prezzie).

Also found out that I had got a good score in my GCSE English coursework...

Ben P

GCSEs? YOu're even younger than I thought.
I hated school for various reason, loved university (Cardiff) got a degree in Biochemistry, had a great time working at a Zoo a job I really loved!! then with UBM and did very well till Jewsons took us over, had an accident when doing my own business (landscape gardening) since worked in DIY Sainsburys and teacher training, now doing other work with Cornwall Council and I coach sprinters and have since 1996 and got qualified to top national level and two of my athletes have got world gold medal in their events. School is there as the first stepping stone on your way to achieving some of your dreams. I learnt what I can do what I shouldnt do, who to respect and how to win respect. I learnt to live my life to the best I can and after my accident I believe that even more so. I dont like my job but it pays the bills, I do it to the best of my ability cos I want to look myself in the face at the end of EVERY day and say am I happy with what I did today if yes then that will do me. I also try to make a difference for other people and again I always try for that hence working in local Govt. Live life, grab opportunity and have no regrets either "I wish I had or I wish I hadnt", I admit I have one or two but not many... and certainly none I carry and worry about my aim now is to achieve more at home grow more of our own food and coach better... and work for wife and myself. Believe in yourself and try your best for you, cos you have to live with yourself and the mistakes you make now for a very long time. so Hate school but try anyway just so you can say I did my best and stuff the rest of them... GOOD LUCK

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