New Bee
There are many benefits with having a young queen in the hive. Therefor my intention is to replace the queen yearly, or every second year.
I have read in every source source I can find how this can be done. There are plenty of different kind of ways to do this, but every method starts the same; Find the old queen and remove her.
Even if the queen is painted I can have a really hard time to find her. Specially in the later half of the season. If I at all find her I have to calculate for at least half an hour for searching for the queen. I now have 30 hives. 30 hives x 30 min = 15 hours just to find the queens. This is just not sustainable. There has to be a better way?!
This season I will try to make nucs with new queens, and later reunite them with the main hive, without trying to find the old queen. My guess is the younger queen has a better chance against her older progenitor. The time consumption here is at least predictable.
How does those of you with a larger number of hives do? Is it even possible to requeen every hive yearly in a larger scale?
There are many benefits with having a young queen in the hive. Therefor my intention is to replace the queen yearly, or every second year.
I have read in every source source I can find how this can be done. There are plenty of different kind of ways to do this, but every method starts the same; Find the old queen and remove her.
Even if the queen is painted I can have a really hard time to find her. Specially in the later half of the season. If I at all find her I have to calculate for at least half an hour for searching for the queen. I now have 30 hives. 30 hives x 30 min = 15 hours just to find the queens. This is just not sustainable. There has to be a better way?!
This season I will try to make nucs with new queens, and later reunite them with the main hive, without trying to find the old queen. My guess is the younger queen has a better chance against her older progenitor. The time consumption here is at least predictable.
How does those of you with a larger number of hives do? Is it even possible to requeen every hive yearly in a larger scale?